It Karna harms Yudhishthira, Yudhishthira insults Arjuna, Arjuna prepares to kill him, Lord Krishna gives a solution

The courageous Arjuna was about to kill his own saintly elder brother Yudhishthira! Surprising right? Well, it is true. On the 17th day of the great war of Mahabharata, Arjuna was busy fighting with the Samsaptakas. During that point, Dhrishtadyumna and Nakula fought fiercely against Dushasana and Vrishasena respectively. Karna, Sahadeva, Satyaki, Kripacharya, Kritavarma, and Bhima defeated Sikhandi, Uluka, Shakuni, Yudhamanyu, Uttamaujas, and Duryodhana respectively. Powerful Bhima killed and scared off many Gajasena far away from the Kurukshetra. Lord Krishna along with Arjuna reached there and confronted the Kauravas. At the time while Arjuna was not cautious, Duryodhana along with his half of the armies charged against Yudhishthira from all facets and harmed him with Khyurpa and Bhalla weapons. Bhima, Nakula, Sahadeva, and Dhrishtadyumna alongside their Akshauhini Sena rushed towards Yudhishthira to defend him. Brave Karna stopped the Pandava warriors there by way of shooting many arrows at them. Sahadeva right away injured Duryodhana with his arrows there. After seeing Duryodhana harm, Karna harmed Dhrishtadyumna and frightened the armies of Yudhishthira there. Karna was using all his Divyastras which had been given to him through his Guru Lord Parashurama earlier. He was unstoppable. Yudhishthira additionally attacked Karna and slew many Kaurava armies together with his arrows. Furiously Karna shot Naracha, Ardhachandra, and Vatsadanta weapons at Yudhishthira. Yudhishthira counterattacked too. Then Karna shot his Bhalla at Yudhishthira's chest and injured him badly there. Yudhishthira asked his charioteer to take him far from there. Duryodhana that time ordered Karna to capture him. Karna with an intention to delight Duryodhana yet again harmed Yudhishthira with his arrows. Wounded Yudhishthira who was going back in the direction of his camp too assaulted Karna on his way. His Chakra Rakshaks Nakula and Sahadeva confronted Karna and shot exceptional arrows at him. Karna also used two Bhallas and injured each of them. Karna then killed the horses of Yudhishthira and Nakula. Both the Injured Pandava brothers got up on the chariot of Sahadeva.

At that point, Shalya (the charioteer of Karna) told Karna not to assault unarmed Yudhishthira now thinking about the fact that he had taken the oath to kill Arjuna, not Yudhishthira. Infuriated Karna most effectively persisted in harming Yudhishthira there. He made Yudhishthira at the side of Nakula and Sahadeva unpleased from war. Shalya again cited Karna that it was pointless killing Yudhishthira and in preference to doing that he needed to be seeking out Arjuna. At that time Duryodhana and Bhima were combating. Shalya then efficiently influenced Karna's mind from killing those Pandavas to defend Duryodhana from Bhima. Seeing Karna move away from there, Ashamed and humiliated Yudhishthira together with Nakula and Sahadeva went towards the camp. Yudhishthira was seriously wounded so he took a rest there. He requested his brothers to carry on with their combat while being with Bhima. On Kurukshetra Karna then used his Bhargavastra in opposition to Panchala armies and killed many of them. Arjuna mentioned to Lord Krishna that, it seemed not possible to wreck the Bhargavastra and it might not be proper to walk away from Karna without confronting him. Lord Krishna then counselled Arjuna that, before that, he should meet his injured brother Yudhishthira. Arjuna then defeated Ashwatthama and searched for Yudhishthira on the battlefield. After asking Bhima, he spoke back to Arjuna that after being badly hurt Yudhishthira had long passed to his camp and in some way managed to keep his life. due to the fact that Bhima no longer wished to be called a coward at the Warfield, he stayed there to combat whereas Arjuna in conjunction with Lord Krishna rushed towards Yudhishthira's camp.

Yudhishthira's body was hurt out of humiliation from Karna. After seeing both Lord Krishna and Arjuna in front of him, he was sure that Arjuna already killed Karna by then. He welcomed both of them. Out of false impression, Yudhishthira began admiring Arjuna for displaying wonderful energy for killing Karna. He stated to Arjuna that, "Karna insulted through his statements, chased me and defeated in the combat. somehow because of Bhima, I managed to save my life on the battlefield. I can in no way tolerate the humiliation of Karna. I see Karna everywhere out of fear. I've in no way been humiliated via remarkable Maharathis like Bhishma, Drona, and Kripacharya the way I felt it via Karna. He in some way spared my life. By way of killing him with your first-rate Gandiva Dhanush, you have now thrilled me. Therefore I desire to recognize in detail how you overcome this kind of astounding and skillful warrior like Karna. Karna was the arms of Duryodhana. After killing that sinner it should have affected Duryodhana too. That evil Karna who had taken the oath to kill you within the war is now lying lifeless on this planet. In the meantime he injured me, I simplest thought of you and now you have fulfilled my desire through slaying him. That fool Karna had earlier asked Dushasana to bring Draupadi forcefully within the courtroom of Hastinapur in the course of Dyutkrida and also insinuated Bhishma for calling him Adhirathi is now killed by way of you. You are victorious much like Indra. inform me how did you do it?"

Arjuna then answered to him that, I was involved in scuffling with the Samsaptakas. Then I killed five hundred soldiers and confronted Ashwatthama. We both had a terrific fight. And after defeating Ashwatthama there, I was about to face Karna. Karna killed many Panchala armies with Bhargavastra and fifty Rathis reached close to me. I killed those Rathis but before confronting him, I wanted to meet with you, heard about your injuries, and reached right here. Different courageous Pandava warriors like Bhima, Satyaki, Dhrishtadyumna, Nakula, and Sahadeva are engaged in their fight. Either I will get the victory on Karna today or will die. Allow me to depart now. "

After hearing that Karna was very much alive by that time, Yudhishthira got indignant with Arjuna and told to him, " Your armies ran away and you overlooked them. You couldn't win over Karna therefore got here at the same time as leaving Bhima there on the battlefield. How could you spoil your promise of killing Karna? We've now lost all our hopes in you. I wished to get the victory but you only showed us the destruction. We waited for a long term to see you triumph over Karna but you put us all in disaster. Oh, feeble-minded Arjuna! at the time you were born, celestial announcements had been made saying you would emerge as an incredible archer, win over many awesome warriors similar to Indra and overcome Madra, Kalinga, Kekeya nation, and also over the Kauravas, you are born similar to the Lord Vishnu born from Aditi will be the originator of his dynasty. But it looks as if those forecasts were fake. Duryodhana had mentioned that you can by no means face Karna in a war and at that time I did not believe him. After being caught up in all these enemies, I feel like I am in hell now. If you did not desire to combat with Suta Putra Karna, You must have informed me earlier than the warfare simplest. I had never asked my Sahridayas to fight for me. What am I supposed to do now in the battle? Karna defeated me in front of Duryodhana and all my Sahridayas. My life is damned. only Bhima was there who defended me. If Abhimanyu and Ghatotkacha had been alive by means of this time, then they must have fought with Karna for me. Karna must have assumed you to be powerless for which he insulted me like no person did. Arjuna! Your chariot is built with the aid of Visvakarma and driven by way of Lord Krishna only then how come you ran away from Karna out of fear? You give your Gandiva Dhanush to Lord Krishna and become his charioteer. He would then kill Karna like Indra slain Vrita with his Vajra. In case you don't own the power to face Karna on the battlefield then give your Dhanush to greater kings. You might not see our destruction then. It'd have been better if you were dead in Mother Kunti's womb. So that nobody would have blamed you for running away from the war then. Shame on your Gandiva Dhanush! Shame on your energy! Shame on your bolts! Shame on your Dhwaja! Shame on your chariot that is offered to you by Agnidev! "

After hearing this from Yudhishthira, Arjuna became livid. He raised his sword with the purpose of killing him. Lord Krishna understood that and asked him why he raised his sword at that point and what was his intention at the back of this because no enemies were there near him. Enraged Arjuna spoke back to him that, "Lord Krishna! Whoever asks me to give my Gandiva Dhanush to someone else, as in step with my promise that I have accomplished in my thoughts, I will cut off his head. King Yudhishthira had asked me for the same in front of you therefore I can't forgive him and will kill him right now to preserve my oath. You are aware of our past and future accordingly you advise me the right thing to do now."

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Lord Krishna instructed him, "Shame on you! It appears as if you have in no way served your seniors for which without any cause you turned out to be furious. You have lost your thoughts. You aren't aware of the righteousness and wrongful acts in keeping with Sastras. Out of foolishness, you have considered yourself as doing the right thing here in keeping with your religion but it includes the sin of violence. According to me, an individual can lie with the intention to keep someone's life but he ought to not murder anyone or let that happen. how will you kill your very own brother like an idiot? You need to not kill someone who is not your enemy or now not fight with you, has come to take your refuge, runs far from a war, and is uncautious. you probably made that promise like a senseless child for that you were approximately to kill your brother unfairly and in opposition to Dharma."

Lord Krishna then elaborated the tale of the Kaushik (Kaushika) sage and a hunter named Balaka to Arjuna.

'A long time ago, there was a Vyaadh named Balaka. He used to hunt down many wild animals for the sustenance of his own family not to meet his desires. He was truthful and by no means criticized anyone. One day he went to the forest to look for animals but could not locate any wild animals apart from a blind animal who was ingesting water there. Balaka had by no means seen an animal like that before however, he killed it. After that, flowers showered from the sky, Apsaras started dancing and a divine Vimana reached there for the hunter.

That blind animal who was killed through Balaka had executed penance in his previous birth for the destruction of all the animals from the earth which was granted by Lord Brahma and therefore, he became a blind animal. Balaka after killing that blind animal who once wished for the annihilation of all the animals went to Svargaloka in that Vimana. Thus the form of Dharma is unvanquished.

Likewise, there was a much less knowledgeable sage named Kaushika who used to live in a village close to a river. He never stated a lie and therefore was regarded as Satyavadi. One day few men entered the wooded area and hid out of fear from the robbers. Robbers began looking for them in that forest. those robbers discovered Sage Kaushika there and asked him if he had seen those men there. because the sage was sincere, he told the whereabouts of those men correctly to the robbers. The cruel robbers then located those guys and killed all of them. After that Kaushika sage was chargeable for the sin and after his death attained Naraka or hell. '

Lord Krishna then said to Arjuna, "One cannot sincerely act righteousness through studying Vedas. As per the theory of Dharmasastra, where there's non-violence, there's religion. At the time the robbers with the intention to rob cash and kill others ask for the location of any trustworthy person, he must stay silent or tell a lie with a view to save those humans' lives. those robbers must not get the wealth or kill anyone. Any wealth which is given to sinners depresses Dhan Daata. No human being gets punished for saying a lie for Dharma. Now inform me Arjuna! Do you continue to think Yudhishthira deserves to die?"

Arjuna then responded to him that, "Lord Krishna! You're like our parents. you have cautioned us even as considering our welfare most effective. Yudhishthira doesn't deserve to die now but you must give me the solution to preserve my oath without killing him. You are privy to my Vrat. I'd kill everyone who questions me to offer my Gandiva Dhanush to a person mightier than me much like Bhima who would kill each person for asking him to get rid of his moustache and beard. Neither I can live peacefully after killing my own brother Yudhishthira nor can neglect my oath. "

Lord Krishna answered to him that, Arjuna! Yudhishthira is now tired and badly injured via way of Suta Putra Karna's destructive arrows. Karna attacked him even when he was unarmed. Yudhishthira out of sorrow, gave you unjustifiable statements, in reality, to inspire you to kill Karna. He knows only you can slay him in the war as a result he stated you so. I will surely recourse you to preserve the oath without taking the life of Yudhishthira.

Arjuna! After losing respect a person turns into much like the dead. You have constantly honoured all of your brothers such as Yudhishthira and elders, therefore now you disrespect Yudhishthira a little bit. You call him 'Tu' (Used for equal to us or juniors than us) rather than 'Aap' (for seniors). As in line with sensible human beings, it is regarded as identical to being lifeless. You use Adharmayukta (in an unrighteous manner) statements toward Yudhishthira now. It kills a Guru with the usage of 'Tu'. Even though you're a religious individual you do it in line with what I say. Then you make an apology to Yudhishthira by way of falling on his feet and console him through your honest wordings. "

After being attentive to Lord Krishna, Arjuna ruthlessly told to Yudhishthira that, " King! You (tu) ran away 1 kos distance from the Warfield and at the moment are relaxing right here. You (tu) don't tell me! Bhima can no doubt say me like this seeing that he all by himself is now preventing with the warriors. The way courageous Bhima is displaying his outstanding strength just like Indra, through killing many elephants, horses and chariots, foot soldiers and others, through his Kharga, Chakra, and Dhanush, and many others, you (tu) can in no way do. Bhima can surely criticize me however you can't. You (tu) usually shield yourself by way of your Sahridayas, not through your own courage. today I watched brilliant Bhima entirely killing 8 a hundred elephants of our enemy therefore simplest he can condemn me. Nakula fearlessly kills many elephants, horses, and warriors so he can talk harshly to me. Sahadeva continually keeps his thoughts in war only. What a distinction between you (tujhme) and him! Even exquisite warriors like Dhrishtadyumna, Satyaki, Yudhamanyu, Uttamaujas, Sikhandi, and Upapandavas (sons of Draupadi) who suffer through the battle can criticism in opposition to me however you (tu) cannot. sensible Brahmins have the power of their statements and Kshatriyas have it in their arms. You (tu) are ruthless and you've strength in your wordings only. You (tu)are properly aware of my power. because of me, Sikhandi killed Bhishma. You (tu) do not criticize me even as sitting at the bed of Draupadi. I don't even welcome you in your kingdom because you (tu) are addicted to gambling and now want to overcome the enemies. You (tu) are an unlucky gambler. After doing the sin of gambling and setting us in terrific problems, now you (tu) harshly talk to me. "

After talking rudely to his elder brother, Arjuna regretted and again raised his sword to kill himself for hurting his brother through his merciless wordings. Lord Krishna then stopped him by way of saying that, Arjuna by killing himself would now get a place of Naraka more dangerous than he would have virtually attained after killing Yudhishthira and then as a solution asked Arjuna to elaborate on his own glory in the front of Yudhishthira since it'd be much like killing himself. Arjuna acted as a result and defined approximately his heroism to Yudhishthira.

Then Arjuna felt ashamed and even folding his hands advised Yudhishthira, "King! Be pleased with me. Forgive me for what I said. you'll understand at the proper moment. There will be no greater put-off in Karna's death. I will immediately go to him now. I have surrendered my whole life handiest to thrill you. I can provide relief to Bhima within the battle by way of killing Karna now." After saying this, Arjuna got up and prepared to depart for the war.

Yudhishthira even remembering the earlier impolite statements of Arjuna, cited to him, "Honestly I've now not accomplished auspicious works for which you all are in problem right now. I'm a sinner, fool, and lazy individual. you cut off my head. I'm a rude character who doesn't admire my elders. You don't need to behave as per me. I will leave for the woodland now. You will live in peace after being separated from me. courageous Bhima will come to be the king. I'm able to now not tolerate your harsh statements. " After saying this Yudhishthira got up from his mattress and was approximately to depart for the forest, at that point Lord Krishna offered his prayers at his feet and mentioned to him that, "King! you are aware of the oath of Arjuna in the direction of his Gandiva Dhanush. He has insulted you even as retaining in thoughts of his promise. Disrespecting gurus are taken into consideration to be much like their death. consequently, to keep his in addition to my faith, he has done this. You forgive him. We each have come down to your feet now and I make an apology, Kindly forgive me. "

Yudhishthira then hugged Lord Krishna and answered him, "Honestly I've violated the guideline in the direction of disrespecting the Gandiva Dhanush. Through your intelligence, you have saved both of us from a large hassle. " Then Lord Krishna turned to Arjuna and said to him that, "Partha! you've fallen into great sorrow just after talking to Yudhishthira with 'Tu' consequently imagine what might have occurred to you in case you had slaughtered religious Yudhishthira via your sword. You would have been within the darkness of Naraka. Please your brother Yudhishthira now! "

Then Arjuna fell on the feet of Yudhishthira and shamefully requested him over and over to please him and forgive him. Seeing Arjuna crying on his feet, Dharmaraj hugged him affectionately. They both cried for some time there and after that forgot their conflicts. Then Yudhishthira kissed Arjuna's forehead and informed him that if Arjuna would not kill Karna today then Yudhishthira's life would end up pointless considering Karna had destroyed all his weapons, Kavach, Dhanush, bolts, and horses in front of all of the armies. Arjuna confirmed Lord Krishna and Yudhishthira by means of taking oath on the grace of Yudhishthira, on his brothers Bhima, Nakula, and Sahadeva, and through touching his Gandiva Dhanush determined to either kill Karna or be dead in the warfare. Yudhishthira forgave him for his earlier statements as they were intentionally given for his well-being after which blessed him to have a long life, fulfilled goals, high-quality energy, and triumph over enemies.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about why Bhima almost cut the tongue of Karna during the Mahabharata War..


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