Vyasa freed Sanjaya from captivity and Sanjaya met with Duryodhana

Sanjaya, the charioteer of Dhritarashtra, was blessed by Krishnadwaipayana Vyasa to see the events of the fight during the great Mahabharata war not only within the daytime but also could understand approximately every state of affairs at night time all through the war and even about any approach that had come to any warriors' mind. Now the question occurs what happened to Sanjaya after that? Sanjaya elaborated on everything to Dhritarashtra. Of course, after the end of the Mahabharata war with the fall of Duryodhana, he lost his divine sight. He was captured by Pandavas and was then saved from demise with the aid of Vyasa only. Then he came across Duryodhana and they each had a communication. let us know about it.

On the eighteenth day of the Mahabharata war, Duryodhana was in a dilemma to see no warriors left on his side. He was badly injured. Seeing the successful Pandavas, he thought of fleeing from Kurukshetra.

Neither did he have any armies nor chariots. A thousand chariots, seven hundred elephants, five thousand horses, and ten thousand foot warriors were left in Pandava facet who alongside their commander Dhrishtadyumna was standing on the battlefield. Duryodhana seeing no ally ran away in the direction of the east side. On his way, he recalled the statements of spiritual Vidura before the Mahabharata war regarding the massive destruction of many Kshatriyas. Out of distress, he went inside a lake.

Besides Duryodhana, Kripacharya, Kritavarma, and Ashwatthama were left alive among the Kaurava Maharathis. They looked for their king Duryodhana everywhere but could not find him. Duryodhana was not privy to it. On the opposite side, Pandavas captured Sanjaya during the war too. Seeing him captivated, Dhrishtadyumna told to Satyaki  "What to do with capturing Sanjaya? it's far nugatory for us to leave him alive." After hearing this, Satyaki straight away prepared to kill Sanjaya with his sword. All at once Vyasa reached there and stopped him by pronouncing, "Leave Sanjaya alive! He doesn't deserve to be lifeless." Satyaki then released Sanjaya and advised him, "Sanjaya! wish you well. Go and do whatever you desire."

Sanjaya was wounded as well. He removed his armour and went in the path of Hastinapura. On his way, he noticed injured Duryodhana standing alone whilst holding his mace in his hand. Duryodhana's eyes filled with tears to see Sanjaya. He could not face him but observed Sanjaya's abject condition. Seeing him Sanjaya thought, Duryodhana who grew up in plenty of affection in the Royal Palace, to whom Karna alongside different brave warriors remained subservient, who never got a chance to raise his weapons in the course of his ruling, who exceeded the royalty of Kubera at the same time as being in Hastinapura, for whom golden passages were made to cross from one palace to some other inside the kingdom, who used to roam around with prosperity and wealth on Gajaraja much like Indra being on his Airavata elephant, at the end of the war was standing on his own and seemed depressed and miserable there. Sanjaya then understood that "only creator Vidata is the most powerful".

Sanjaya explained to Duryodhana about him getting captured during the warfare by Pandavas and later being rescued by means of Vyasa. Duryodhana then asked about his brothers and armies. Sanjaya answered him about whatever he witnessed throughout the end of the war and additionally informed him while getting back from the war he got to know from Vyasa approximately the three Maharathis Kripacharya, Ashwatthama, and Kritavarma remained alive out of all.

Duryodhana took a deep breath and at the same time as holding the hands of Sanjaya informed him that, "Sanjaya! other than you perhaps no relatives of mine are still alive now on the grounds that I don't see any one of them with me right now. You tell King Dhritarashtra that his son after losing all his other courageous and heroic brothers has now entered into the lake. After losing my kingdom to the Pandavas How can I stay alive? Also point out to the king that, His son Duryodhana escaped from the great war and is now hiding inside the lake." Then Duryodhana entered the Dvaipayana lake and via the aid of Maya breezed the flow of water.

Then the three Kaurava Maharathis while locating Sanjaya alive curiously asked the whereabouts of their king Duryodhana. After knowing the message of Duryodhana from Sanjaya they went near the lake and mourned for a long time. Later noticing Pandavas approaching closer they ran away from there.

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(Later Pandavas after knowing the whereabouts of Duryodhana from fa ew hunters, reached near the lake, Yudhishthira gave him a chance to get back his kingdom Hastinapura by defeating someone of them in mace combat or Gada Yudh. Bhima and Duryodhana had fierce combat on the battlefield and Bhima with a goal to triumph over him took the indication from Lord Krishna and Arjuna, and whilst remembering his oath, with full pressure he broke Duryodhana's thighs, almost killed him, and kicked on his head. As in line with their Guru Balarama, it was a chivalry manner of Bhima to win over Duryodhana however it was the only way left. Lord Krishna accepted it was the only way to defeat such a sinful Duryodhana and also referred to the deity king Indra killing demons with tricks to end the evil on the earth. After getting the victory, Pandavas then left for their camps.)

Seeing that Duryodhana was now not lifeless by that point, Sanjaya still watched him there on the battlefield with his divine sight. Duryodhana looked at him with his eyes full of fury and tears. whilst humiliating Yudhishthira he told to Sanjaya that, "despite having the remarkable protector like Bhishma Pitamaha, Karna, Kripacharya, Shakuni, Dronacharya, Ashwatthama, Shalya, and Kritavarma, alongside eleven Akshauhini Sena with me I faced consequences like this. nobody can without a doubt change his destiny. Sanjaya! if you find any warriors from my facet alive, then do tell them the truth of how Bhima killed me by way of going against the rules of Mace fight. Pandavas have even accomplished injustice against different exceptional Kaurava warriors too for which they're sincerely going to remorse. Who will appreciate those Pandavas for getting the victory with fraud? After my thighs had been damaged, Bhima out of rage kicked on my head. What can be more shocking than this? What is great about kicking the dead?

Sanjaya! My parents are properly privy to warfare rules. They'll be in super sorrow after understanding my situation. You tell them that, I did yajnas well, turned into fit for sustenance, donated the alms, pleased all my friends and belongings and respected them, ruled the earth absolutely up to the sea, continuously stricken all the enemies, dictated many kings, rode many horses, attacked many kings and made him slaves, usually favoured by human beings, Did Svadhyaya for deities, achieved blessings and at the end acquired Punyaloka through righteousness. Who would be having a beautiful ending like me? Neither did I take refuge from my enemies nor I was defeated by them. luckily all my immense Rajalaxmi is now owned by way of my enemies. I can die in step with the Kshatriya religion. it is prestigious for me that I never ran far from any warfare. You have to tell Ashwatthama, Kripacharya and Kritavarma about how Bhima killed me unfairly within the mace combat and tell them not to agree with Pandavas. "

These were the final statements of Duryodhana to Sanjaya.  Then he informed his messengers to reach close to Ashwatthama and intricate to him approximately the iniquitous demise of all the Kauravas including Duryodhana, and then Duryodhana lamented for all his family members including sister Dushala, mother Gandhari, wife, and others. Later Ashwatthama was appointed as commander-in-chief of Kauravas by Duryodhana who along with Kripacharya and Kritavarma took revenge on Pandavas by killing the Upapandavas (Prativindhya, Sutasoma, Shrutakarma, Shatanika, and Shrutasena) and the last remnants of Panchala Kingdom including Dhrishtadyumna and Sikhandi for the death of Duryodhana. Then gladly Duryodhana died after learning about it from Ashwatthama. Sanjaya watched all these with his divine eye and elaborated to King Dhritarashtra. 

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about the last conversation of Duryodhana with Lord Krishna..

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