Ashwatthama learns the wrongful way of the owl & takes shelter from Lord Shiva

Did you know that Ashwatthama or Ashvatthama; son of Drona even though was a strong warrior, was scared of the Pandavas? He no question displayed braveness many times in the Mahabharata war such as, On the 14th day he killed a group of Rakhshasas and Anjanaparvan; son of Ghatotkacha, faced Arjuna oftentimes but was defeated by way of him, after the demise of his father Drona, out of wrath he used divine Narayanastra in opposition to Pandavas but Lord Krishna being the Narayana himself counselled everyone in his side to place down their weapons consequently, the tremendous Narayanastra surpassed harmlessly. Ashwatthama defeated Dhrishtadyumna and additionally killed King Nila of Mahishmati. After the terrible death of Dushasana, he asked Duryodhana to make peace with Pandavas. Courteous Pandavas had by no means tried to kill Ashwatthama due to the fact that he was the son of their Guru Drona. (because Dronacharya had long gone in opposition to his religion, as consistent with the commands of Saptarishis he had put down his guns and was later killed by way of Dhrishtadyumna due to the truth that Dhrishtadyumna was born for his death only.) Ashwatthama had killed the Upapandavas and remnants of Panchala such as Dhrishtadyumna, and Sikhandi within the night only, to avenge the death of Duryodhana. 

Within the old Mahabharata book, it is mentioned that Dhritarashtra then asked Sanjaya why did not Ashwatthama show this dare earlier within the Mahabharata warfare. Sanjaya answered, that at the time when Ashwatthama entered the camp in the night, Pandavas were no longer present there therefore he killed all these warriors after which he went in the direction of Bhagirathi Ganga. (Then out of fear from Bhima, he had used his divine Brahmashirsha weapon at Pandavas to damage them but Arjuna in no way determined to harm him at the same time as using his Brahmastra against Ashwatthama's.) Moreover, Yudhishthira later while mourning for his lifeless sons, questioned Lord Krishna how ought to Ashwatthama by himself kill a lot of these fantastic warriors together with the Upapandavas in one night thinking about the truth that he had by no means performed that many auspicious acts earlier? Lord Krishna then spoke back to him that Ashwatthama must have taken the shelter of Lord Shiva. Well, It was real! Lord Shiva was thrilled with him that night. On account that Sanjaya was granted through Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa to not only see the events of the fight within the daytime but also could understand approximately every scenario at night during the battle or even about any approach that had came to any warrior's mind, he elaborated to Dhritarashtra how did Ashwatthama do it. let us realize precisely what occurred that night in short.

After Pandavas left for their camp, Duryodhana was almost dead, he informed his messengers to reach close to Ashwatthama and intricate to him approximately his iniquitous death by way of Bhima in the Gada yudha. (Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, and Kritavarma were left alive inside the Kaurava side). They reached there near him and mourned for a long time after seeing the pathetic situation of their king Duryodhana. Ashwatthama became enraged at the unfair killing of Duryodhana via Bhima during the mace fight. Out of rage, He determined to kill all the Panchalas. Duryodhana even though was approximately to die soon, appointed Ashwatthama as his commander-in-chief there. Then Ashwatthama, Kripacharya, and Kritavarma went toward the east side at the same time as fearing the Pandavas looked for a place to hide. After finding a densely wooded area they went inside and observed a big banyan tree (Bargad). Whilst grieving about Duryodhana, they all took relaxation there. It became the first Pahar of the night time that time. while Kritavarma and Kripacharya were dozing, Ashwatthama looked at the scary wooded area frequently. He saw one Ficus Benghalensis tree (Vat Vriksh) surrounded by many crows. loads of crows had been napping peacefully on that tree. Ashwatthama observed one horrible owl fiercely attack those crows on that tree and kill many of them in their sleep only. After killing those crows, that owl turned out to be satisfied with taking revenge. Ashwatthama learned the unrighteous manner of that owl and thought of assaulting the Pandavas within the night with trick only no longer by his power. After knowing his merciless purpose, Kripacharya then tried to prevent him because it was no longer beneficial to kill every one of their sleep in the course of the nighttime. However, Ashwatthama neglected it and Went towards Pandavas' camp. Kripacharya and Kritavarma followed him. (That night in line with the commands of Lord Krishna Pandavas were talking rest close to the auspicious river Aughavati.)

Ashwatthama in conjunction with Kripacharya and Kritavarma reached close to the camp of Pandavas and Panchalas. He observed one Glorious, stunning and huge Mahabhuta person similar to Surya and Chandra guarding the gate there who was wearing tiger skin, covered with black deerskin, had a serpent around his neck, and was prepared to slay all of the creatures through his variety of weapons. Enormous Snakes were adorned as his armlets. It seemed ghastly to discover his face pervaded through the incensed fire. That fierce-looking person seemed graceful via his hundreds of eyes. A big mountain also would have got scared in front of such a magnificent individual. He was spitting fire from his heaps of eyes, both his noses, ears, and mouth everywhere. Through his radiance, a hundred and thousand numbers of Lord Vishnu at the same time as holding his weapons like a conch shell, Chakra and mace emerged.

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After seeing the frightening image of that individual, Ashwatthama didn't get scared and began the usage of his arrows towards him. much like Vadwanal engulfing the whole ocean, that divine person absorbed all the weapons of Ashwatthama there. At the same time as gazing at that indestructible individual devouring all his weapons, Ashwatthama then shot his illuminating Ratha Shakti weapon at him. It merely touched him and consequently, was broken similar to a meteor whilst falling from the sky, after bumping into the sun commonly gets damaged. Ashwatthama then took his excellent sword and used it against that divine character however it was too absorbed by him. Enraged Ashwatthama then used his fine mace much like Indra Dhwaja towards that incredible character and it was too gobbled by means of him.

Ashwatthama then searched for other weapons considering the reality that each one of his weapons had been already finished. He discovered hundreds of Lord Vishnu inside the sky only. He remembered the precious advice of Kripacharya at that time and regretted his inability the use the divine weapons, defeating that Mahabhuta individual due to the truth that he had chosen the wrong route of killing those warriors whilst going in opposition to the guidelines of saintly people. finding no other way out, He started out praying to Lord Shiva to allow him to defeat that Mahabhuta character who was creating hurdles on his way to enter the camp. Ashwatthama then got down from his chariot and wholeheartedly did Stuti of Lord Shiva there. Then Agni Deva seemed in a golden Vedi with his divine Roopa in front of him and started glorifying everywhere. Ashwatthama surrendered himself at the toes of Lord Shiva there. He offered his Dhanush, Arrows, and his own body as Samigha, Kusa, and Havisha respectively to Lord Shiva through the surrendering yajna there.

Ashwatthama instructed Lord Shiva that, "Lord! I give up my very own body in this blazing fire. Kindly receive it as Havisha. Out of excellent devotion and will energy I offer this to you, Please receive it. whole Bhutas are established in you and you're positioned in them as properly. If I can not defeat my enemies then kindly accept my body as Havisha. " Then Ashwatthama got up at the Vedi and sat inside the blazing fireplace barring having any desires for his life.

Lord Shiva smilingly answered to him, "exceptional Lord Krishna has spontaneously worshipped me along with his truthfulness, holiness, genuineness, sacrifice, penance, rituals, forgiveness, devotion, persistence, knowledge, and sayings. therefore I don't bear in mind anyone else more affectionate to me than Lord Krishna. on the way to preserve his honour and test you, I defended the Panchalas through my Maya. I have respected Lord Krishna through saving the Panchalas here however now they have been defeated through the manner of Kaal. They do not have lives anymore. " Then Lord Shiva created a similar form of him which entered the body of Ashwatthama and blessed him with a high-quality and detrimental Kharga (Asi) weapon. At the time when Ashwatthama entered the camp, many demons and invisible Bhutas went to the side of him. Kripacharya and Kritavarma stayed at the door there.

Ashwatthama first went to Dhrishtadyumna who was in deep sleep at that time. Ashwatthama kicked him like an animal and pressed his throat and chest with his feet. Dhrishtadyumna out of ache even as scratching him along with his nails mentioned to him that, "Dronaputra! don't be late. Kill me barring the sastras so that I will reap Punyaloka due to you. " Ashwatthama spoke back to him that, "Disgraceful person! there is no Punyaloka for the person who kills his Acharya. You don't deserve to be killed as in step with the sastras." The Ashwatthama hit him on the sensitive part of his body and killed him. That time his better halves and guards who had been drowsing in that camp wakened after hearing the outcry of Dhrishtadyumna before his death. Ashwatthama then got up on his chariot and attacked each camp. Warriors surrounded Ashwatthama from all directions but were killed by Rudrastra weapon. After slaying the guards of Dhrishtadyumna, he noticed Uttamaujas sound asleep on his mattress. Ashwatthama additionally killed him like an animal with the aid of choking him by forcefully pressing on his throat and chest. Yudhamanyu confronted him along with his mace however was similarly killed via way of Ashwatthama. He attacked all of the warriors there in their sleep and killed them. He resembled Kaal there. He noticed the Upapandavas or sons of Pandavas and Draupadi who prepared to fight with Ashwatthama there. all of them along with Sikhandi shot arrows at him. Ashwatthama used the Kharga against and injured all of them. He then killed Prativindhya with his sword. Sutasoma used his sword against him but was killed brutally by way of Ashwatthama there by his sword. Shatanika straight away attacked Ashwatthama with the wheel of a chariot but was killed by him too. Ashwatthama had cut off his head there. Then Shrutakarma charged against Ashwatthama along with his Paridhi weapon and injured his left hand there. Ashwatthama used his fierce sword on Shrutakarma's face and killed him there. Shrutrakirti shot many arrows at him. Ashwatthama even as retaining a shield against him cut off his head too. Sikhandi also used all his weapons in opposition to Ashwatthama and injured him. Then Ashwatthama pierced his whole body into pieces through his sword. Ashwatthama whilst taking Kharga in his hand slew the remnants of the Pandava facet armies. Kripacharya and Kritavarma even as staying on the gate killed those warriors who had been looking to get away from the camp. additionally, they put on fire outside the camp to delight Ashwatthama. similar to Rudra god slaying many creatures out of wrath, Ashwatthama resembling Kaal himself sent all the armies to Yamaloka. Many hideous demons and ghouls started out devouring the flesh of lifeless bodies. There were groups of ten thousand, one lakh, and ten lakhs of horrible demons. After slaying Dhrishtadyumna, Upapandavas, Shikhandi, Yudhamanyu, Uttamaujas, and many prominent warriors, Ashwatthama in the dawn immediately left that camp. He went on the pathless way of his father Drona accomplished his promise and became relieved then. Ashwatthama alongside Kripacharya and Kritavarma reached close to Duryodhana and informed him approximately the loss of life of Draupadi sons, Panchalas, and all of the remnants of the Somaka and Matsya dynasties. Duryodhana gladly left his body.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about why Arjuna wished for Ashwatthama's welfare while using Brahmastra..

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