Karna defeats Yudhishthira and humiliates him and Bhima takes revenge 

It is now not a wonder for every person to recognize that The mighty Bhima who once threw an elephant at Karna's chariot in the course of Drona Parva, can defeat terrific warrior Karna and be about to cut off his tongue for his harsh statements. Bhima could have killed Karna but remembering the oath of Arjuna and being attentive to the statements of Madra king Shalya, he deserted him. Other than Arjuna, the simplest Bhima was capable of confronting him. Even Dharmaraj Yudhishthira ran far from Karna and was humiliated by him. 

A staggering warrior like Karna was using the divine weapons towards his enemies that he received from his Guru the brilliant Lord Parashurama. let's know approximately that incident.

On the seventeenth day of the Mahabharata war, Shalya was appointed as the charioteer of Karna. at the same time as slaying his enemies, Karna killed three hundred brave Chedi warriors and reached close to Yudhishthira. At that point, Arjuna was busy killing the Samsaptakas (the sworn warriors of Trigartas). That day Yudhishthira was fasting as a consequence was exhausted. The rest of the Pandavas, Sikhandi, and Satyaki with an intention to defend their king Yudhishthira surrounded him. Kauravas and Pandavas started battling there. regardless of being surrounded by masses of elephants, horses, chariots, and foot warriors, Karna injured all of them and then attacked Yudhishthira. That time being inspired by Satyaki, many foot warriors of Dravid and Nishada charged in opposition to Karna but were killed by way of him. Then Panchala warriors and Pandavas (except Arjuna) stopped him but were injured by Karna. Karna once more attacked Yudhishthira. Pandavas, Kekeyas, and Panchalas stopped Karna.

Out of anger, Yudhishthira instructed Karna, "Suta Putra Karna! you've always kept hatred feelings for brave Arjuna and even as being supportive of Duryodhana attempted to hurt us. display me all your might whilst preserving in mind the rage that you have for us. I will spoil your braveness within the fight. " Then Yudhishthira shot his golden feather arrows at him and harmed him. In reaction, Karna shot his Vatschadant and injured him. Enraged Yudhishthira then shot destructive arrows that pierced into Karna's left rib and made him unconscious. It was regarded as though Karna was lying unconscious there on his chariot in front of Shalya. Merciful Yudhishthira didn't shoot at Karna at that moment. upon getting back his senses, ruthless Karna to kill Yudhishthira blanketed him there by shooting many arrows from his divine Vijaya Dhanush and killed Yudhishthira's Chakra Rakshaks Panchal warriors Chandradeva and Dandadhara. Yudhishthira counter-attacked him however was injured by way of Karna. all of the different warriors of Pandavas alongside Nakula, Sahadeva, and Bhima began injuring Karna there. Being surrounded by all of them, Karna recalled divine Brahamastra there, defended them all with heaps of arrows, and killed ten major Chedi warriors and loads of Srujaya warriors. Yudhishthira was injured badly and his shield was destroyed. He shot Shakti weapon at Karna however it was damaged by Karna. Furthermore, fearless Karna destroyed Yudhishthira's chariot and badly hurt him, Pandavas in conjunction with other warriors there. Yudhishthira took another chariot and turned back to his camp. That time Karna chased him and attempted to capture him forcefully.

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however, Karna then remembered his promise to Kunti of sparing the lives of all of the Pandavas besides Arjuna. Shalya moreover recommended Karna not to touch Yudhishthira otherwise he would face the rage of Yudhishthira. Karna even laughing loudly condemned Yudhishthira thereby announcing, "Yudhishthira! despite being born as a Kshatriya, how can you run far away from a battle to save your own life? It seems as in case you now not knowledgeable about your dharma. since you are an expert in Brahmyaval, Svadhyaya and Yajnas, therefore, do not come to war or confront any warriors. by no means say unpleasant phrases to a warrior like me or else you'll face these types of results. move back to your place or close to Arjuna and Lord Krishna. I will in no way kill you. " All the other warriors together with Pandavas attacked Kauravas with full pressure.

Seeing the Kaurava armies running far from Pandavas, Karna asked Shalya to reach close by Bhima. watching Karna approaching, enraged Bhima mentioned to Satyaki and Dhrishtadyumna, "You guard King Yudhishthira. just now I watched him somehow getting out of a huge disaster. Evil Karna destroyed all the war materials of Yudhishthira in front of me. either I will kill him to take revenge on him or I will be lifeless. " Then fiercely he rushed toward Karna.

Shalya warned Karna of the excellent strength of Bhima. although Karna was aware of that reality, he thought of either killing Bhima or destroying his chariot to make Arjuna assault him. Shalya additionally agreed. Karna shot Naracha Bhima in his chest and injured him. He additionally shot many arrows and covered him there. Bhima also counterattacked. Karna destroyed his Dhanush and shot twenty-five Narachas at him making him almost senseless. Furiously Bhima looked for rare destructive arrows and shot them at Karna. With the massive force of Bhima, that arrow badly wounded Karna and made him almost lifeless. Karna's body parts were bleeding and as a result, he plonked himself down on his chariot.

That very moment, indignant Bhima reached near Karna's to cut off his tongue. Shalya with a purpose to pacify noted to him that, "Arjuna had taken the oath to kill Karna and you should make it successful."

Bhima then told him, "I am properly aware of the promise of Arjuna. however, Karna humiliated King Yudhishthira in front of me. Out of rage, he didn't take into account anything else. Even after defeating Karna, I'm not at all calmed down. cutting off his tongue will be the right thing to do now. inside the court of Dhritarashtra, Karna insulted Draupadi in front of everyone through his merciless wording. intending to please Yudhishthira only I have waited until now. Uncle! you've got said the fact only. Arjuna will leave his body due to no longer being able to keep his promise. As a result, we together with Lord Krishna will ruin ourselves. Evil Karna will die by the hands of Arjuna today only. you have now rescued his life with the right strategy. " Bhima then left Karna unconscious there and continued with slaying the Kaurava armies on Kurukshetra. Shalya moved Karna's chariot from there.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about why Nakula was about to die once..

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