Yudhishthira asks Abhimanyu to enter the Chakravyuh, Kauravas kills Abhimanyu against the rules, and Abhimanyu dies without getting the assist of Pandavas 

Lots of people debate the demise of the magnificent warrior Abhimanyu in Mahabharata. Some say it was a brutal death seeing that it used to be in opposition to guidelines of warfare and some believe it was a gorgeous sacrifice that he had done due to the truth that only Abhimanyu, Arjuna, Krishna, and Pradyumna knew how to destroy into the Chakravyuh, out of them solely Abhimanyu used to be present that time when the Kauravas used it on the battlefield. Before coming into any point of view we all need to be aware of predecided combat guidelines that had been broken at some stage in the death of Abhimanyu, the boon of Duryodhana that he acquired from Dronacharya, why did Yudhishthira ask Abhimanyu to penetrate the Vyuh although he was alone that time, how come to Pandavas solely stood near the Vyuh entrance and let Abhimanyu die, where had been Lord Krishna and Arjuna that time? 

Abhimanyu had learned about entering Chakravyuh while he was once in his mom Subhadra's womb that time Arjuna had informed his beloved wife. However, she fell asleep barring listening about how to exit from the death maze which Abhimanyu could not know about. Here in this post, I will talk about the answers to the above-noted questions by referring to the old book only.

Certain rules were made for each Kaurava and Pandavas for Dharma Yudh or righteousness in the war on which they agreed. Amongst those, some rules included no longer killing or assaulting any warriors except his consent who would already be engaged in a fight with one and if his shields and weapons would have been destroyed. These rules were damaged on the thirteenth day when Abhimanyu was slain. Kauravas had killed Abhimanyu in such a helpless state that he only had a chakra or wheel in his hand in addition multiple warriors had attacked him at a time. No doubt it was unfair! From day 1, regulations had been violated when Bhishma used Divyastras on regular soldiers due to his vow to kill at least ten thousand enemies, at the time of the death of Jayadratha and Karna, elephant Ashwathama, many more who had been killed even without taking part in the warfare and also during the combat of Arjuna and Shakuni, when Satyaki slew an unarmed Burishravas and all through the ultimate combat of Bhima and Duryodhana.

Now let me tell you about the boon granted to Duryodhana. After the defeat of Bhisma, Dronacharya was appointed as commander-in-chief of the Kaurava armies by way of Duryodhana. Therefore Drona wished to grant a boon to him for which Duryodhana had asked him to seize Yudhishthira alive. Duryodhana knew that, after killing Yudhishthira rather than Capturing him alive, all the Pandavas could avenge the demise of their brother and kill all the Kauravas. Additionally, Duryodhana mentioned, that even if all the Pandavas along with their sons were killed by Kauravas, then Lord Krishna could truly triumph over all the world and then present it to Draupadi or Kunti. Therefore Duryodhana requested such a boon. His actual intention behind this was, to let Yudhishthira play gambling with the Kauravas, consequently, he could get defeated again by way of Kauravas and could go to the forest for exile along with his brothers. Drona after hearing this granted him that boon in a situation where Arjuna needed to no longer stay close to Yudhishthira at that time. On the thirteenth day of the warfare, Drona had created the Chakravyuh or death maze and attacked alongside ten thousand brave warriors including Duryodhana, his son Laxman, Dushasana, Jayadratha, Shakuni, Ashwathama, Shalya, Bhurishravas in opposition to Pandavas.

Pandavas alongside other kings also attacked Dronacharya however could not even reach nearer to the maze. It was once not viable for Yudhishthira to stop them. If Kauravas had captured Yudhishthira at that time, then Duryodhana would have been successful in his plan and it would have been a disgrace for Pandavas. Only Abhimanyu who knew how to penetrate Vyuh was present at that moment. Yudhishthira asked him to enter the Chakravyuh and attack the army of Dronacharya seeing that Arjuna was not existing there and Yudhishthira didn't want Arjuna to humiliate his brothers for being incapable. Moreover, he also assured him that Pandavas would follow Abhimanyu the same way he would enter. Bhima stated he would damage the warriors there and break the form. Abhimanyu notwithstanding being alone and underage warrior gladly accepted it and entered the Vyuh to keep the dignity of his father and his dynasty.

Brave Abhimanyu all through himself had killed many Chaturangini armies of Kauravas, killed the son of Asmaka, sons of Shalya named Rukmangada and Rukmaratha, Vasatia warrior, Laxmana (son of Duryodhana), son of Kratha, Brihadbala, Aswaketu, Bhoja, minister of Karna, Kalikeya, Vasati, kekeya warriors and additionally defeated Salya, Dushasana, Duryodhana, Karna, Ashwathama, Kripacharya, Vrishasena throughout the fight. During the fight with Abhimanyu, Shakuni had recommended Duryodhana let all of them kill Abhimanyu together before he could slaughter the whole Kauravas through himself. Karna additionally asked Dronacharya for a way to kill him. As instructed by Drona, Karna destroyed his Dhanush, Kritavarma killed his horse, Kripacharya slew his two guards and then Drona, Dushasana, Ashwatthama or Ashwathama, Karna, Shakuni, Duryodhana Kripa, Kritavarma Vrishasena, and Drumasena (Dushasana's son), and many different warriors assaulted Abhimanyu at the same time. Abhimanyu used to be holding the wheel of Ayudh that was only remaining that time with him. He resembled Lord Krishna holding Sudarshan Chakra there. Kaurava warriors destroyed that wheel. Abhimanyu then took a mace and started slaying horses and guards of Ashwathama, Vasati warriors, Kekeya chariots and elephants, horses, and the chariot of Durumasena. He fought with Outraged Drumasena who then hit Abhimanyu's head with his mace. Seeing Abhimanyu lose consciousness, many Kaurava warriors brutally killed him there.

Now let me tell you why Pandavas couldn't stop Abhimanyu and let him die alone in that Vyuh. Arjuna alongside Lord Krishna was not present there near the Chakravyuh. Arjuna was unaware of such a plan and he was busy fighting with Samsaptaka means 'sworn warrior': They were the bravest of the Trigartas, who, led via their King Susharma, had taken an oath to either kill Arjuna or die in that attempt.

Whereas, the Rest of the Pandavas alongside different kings and warriors rushed in the direction of Chakravyuh while following Abhimanyu on the other hand was stopped by the divine weapon shot by Jayadratha; the king of Sindhu. Jayadratha once had carried out severe penance to please Lord Shiva to get a boon in order to avenge his humiliation for being defeated through Bhima during the kidnapping of Draupadi. Subsequently, He was blessed by Lord Shiva to defeat and stop the Pandavas except for Arjuna one day at some point in the war. Therefore Pandavas while keeping in their mind the granted boon of Jayadratha via Lord Shiva, couldn't get inside the Vyuh and stayed at the entrance only. The way that was shown to Pandavas by Abhimanyu at the time he entered the maze was closed by way of Jayadratha. Pradyumna had not taken part in the war anyway. 

I hope all the doubts have been made clear now. 

Abhimanyu used to be a Kshatriya, he had gladly accepted entering the Chakravyuh solely due to the reality that only he knew about it. There was no different choice left for Yudhishthira but to let him go there. If Arjuna had viewed the Chakravyuh of Drona there, he would have gone instead of Abhimanyu. But It used to be planned deliberately when Arjuna was not present near Yudhisthira. Also, the rest of the Pandavas couldn't get inner the maze because of Jayadratha's boon. Abhimanyu's sacrifice would be the greatest of all. Moreover, Rules had been broken in the course of the death of Abhimanyu Which was honestly brutal. Rules were damaged in other instances too as mentioned above but Abhimanyu was killed helplessly and it was necessary to end the evil. We all feel sorry for Abhimanyu because we all are true human beings who do not tolerate unrighteous acts, Kauravas were sinful. We are well conscious of how Pandavas had suffered because of the Kauravas. Lord Krishna supported saintly Pandavas for their non-secular nature. Abhimanyu died fighting in opposition to those wicked Kauravas. His death was no doubt unfair.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about how did Lord Krishna guide Arjuna towards attaining Pashupatastra from Lord Shiva..


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