Lord Krishna answers to the ruthless statements of Duryodhana and confirms the victory of Pandavas

You all have to read this to apprehend how beautifully Lord Krishna spoke back to the questions of sinful Duryodhana before his demise. In Saupitika Parva of Mahabharata book, it's referred to that after Gada Yudha or Mace combat of Lord and Bhima, Lord Balarama rushed to kill Bhima considering the reality that as a guru he couldn't tolerate Bhima going against the mace combat guidelines while hitting on Duryodhana's thighs and then kicking on his head. (As per the suggestion of Lord Krishna, Arjuna had indicated his thighs there to Bhima as a way to remind him of his oath of breaking Duryodhana's thighs taken in the course of the Vastraharan of Draupadi.) Lord Krishna then pacified Lord Balarama's anger by referring to all the sins that Kauravas had done and It was important to take that step to end the battle as in past even the deity king Indra had killed Vrita and other demons with tricks to be able to put an end to evil on the earth. Lord Balarama however announced Bhima to be a dishonest warrior there. Pandavas were satisfied with their victory. Everyone admired Bhima on the battlefield. Lord Krishna that point insinuated Duryodhana for all his sins there for which furiously Duryodhana had a verbal exchange with him. let's know about it quickly.

Lord Krishna at the same time as hearing the ineligible statements from the Panchala and Pandava armies regarding Duryodhana instructed all of them that, "It isn't appropriate to kill the enemy once more who's nearly dead now. You all have hurt Duryodhana along with your ruthless statements. This sinner and shameless Duryodhana had already been dead earlier at the moment when out of greediness, he overlooked the commands of Sahridaya or kind people at the same time as being accompanied by sinners. Regardless of the request of Bhishma, Dronacharya, Kripacharya, Vidura, and Sanjaya, he didn't provide to the Pandavas their ancestral property. This demon is worthless now. Neither he is a pal nor a foe to anyone. This fool is a stonehearted person therefore degrading him along with your wordings is now pointless. We should leave for our camps now. Thankfully this evil Duryodhana is lifeless alongside his ministers, pals, and brothers. "

After listening to this, enraged Duryodhana however managed to take a seat on his rear. Although it appeared as if his excruciating ache almost took his life there, still he began to harm Lord Krishna by saying, "Oh son of Kansa's servant! don't you feel guilty for the depraved act done to kill me unfairly? Neither you feel ashamed for killing many genuine warriors through your crooked strategies nor do you hate this unrighteous act. Incredible Bhishma Pitamaha who was continuously slaying many enemies was killed whilst keeping Sikhandi before him. After killing the elephant of Ashwatthama, Dronacharya was asked to put down his weapons that I was properly privy to. when low-born Dhrishtadyumna killed Acharya in that situation you all did not deny it. Who can be extra sinful than you thinking about the truth that the divine Shakti weapon of Indra which was acquired by means of Karna in advance to kill Arjuna, then made him shoot at Ghatotkacha?

At the time when courageous Bhurishrava's right hand was cut off by way of Arjuna and he sat on fast till loss of life, that point Satyaki being influenced by you killed him. When Karna was combating bravely Arjuna and Ashwasena snake along with Karna's arrow was about to harm Arjuna but you made it unsuccessful. Once more on the time the wheel of Karna's chariot pierced into the ground, you all killed him whilst looking at him being in misery to get his wheel out. In case you had fought frankly without using Maya against Bhishma and Karna in the presence of me then no doubt you would have lost the war. However, an ignoble individual such as you killed me alongside many warriors in an evasive manner. "

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Lord Krishna then replied to him, "You set foot on the course of sin as a result, you alongside your son, brothers, relatives, friends, Sahridayas, and servants confronted death. Awesome Bhishma and Dronacharya are now lifeless due to your wrongdoings. Karna additionally acted in accordance with your way for that reason was killed in the battle. Oh, fool! After taking a recommendation from Shakuni, you denied giving to Pandavas their ancestral property or their very own nation Indraprastha even out of covetousness. at the time you poisoned Bhima, and tried to kill Pandavas with their mother Kunti by setting fire in Lakshagriha, in the course of the Dyutkrida as per your command, Rajasvala( mensurating) Draupadi was pulled by her hair and humiliated in front of every person, you were already destined to die by then.

After being aware of the truth that Kindhearted Yudhishthira was less informed in gambling, you tricked him in Dyutkrida by defeating him by the way of Shakuni. When Pandavas went to the hermitage of Trinavindu, merciless Jayadratha troubled Draupadi there. Because of your simplest many warriors together killed Abhimanyu on Kurukshetra consequently, you confronted these outcomes now. 

Bhishma who slew many armies to harm Pandavas faced dying due to Sikhandi and there is no offence in it because Sikhandi did it while keeping in mind the welfare of Pandavas. Dronacharya additionally to delight you went in the direction of virtueless people and thus was killed with the aid of Dhrishtadyumna. Satyaki to preserve his oath killed Bhurishrava on the battlefield. (Read the boon of Lord Shiva for which Satyaki was earlier defeated by Bhurishrava)

Arjuna in the course of his war by no means committed any condemned acts. Even after finding many ways to kill Karna on Kurukshetra, Arjuna didn't kill him in advance. Only after understanding the point of view of all the deities and pleasing them, I made the attack of Ashwasena unsuccessful. You along with Bhishma, Dronacharya, Kripacharya, Ashwatthama and Karna had been left alive all through the Virata battle because of Arjuna's mercy. Do remember the fact that time whilst Arjuna saved you from Gandharvas and later the way Pandavas treated you was no injustice. Pandavas conquered the war through their efforts simplest abiding by Kshatriya policies. You died because of your sins. You by no means obeyed your seniors and unnoticed the best advice of Brihaspati and Kripacharya. "

Duryodhana then informed him, " I did Vidyadhyayan precisely, I ruled the earth up to the ocean, and defeated many enemies. I will die glorifying death as consistent with the Kshatriya religion and visit the rare Uttamloka of deities( Svargaloka) after my demise together with my Sahridayas and servants. Who would be having the sort of excellent ending like me? You'll all stay on this earth together with your disappointments. I don't grieve for Bhima kicking me on my head anymore because of the truth that soon any animal will do that to me. "

Straight away flowers rained on him from the sky. Gandharvas and Apsaras admired Duryodhana's glory. Monks agreed to him by saying 'Very good! Very good! The fragrant wind started out blowing and Sky illuminated like Neelam stone. Lord Krishna at the side of Pandavas felt chargeable to see the way Duryodhana was honoured at that point. Pandavas regretted after listening to their unfair killing of Bhishma, Drona, Karna, and Bhurishrava.

Seeing Pandavas perplexed, Lord Krishna then advised them that, "It was no longer possible to conquer Duryodhana in opposition to his rapid use of weapons. Moreover, defeating great warriors like Bhishma and Drona in a simple manner turned into unachievable. I used Maya at some stage in the war at the same time as preserving my thoughts about your well-being and killed all of them. How could you have got your very own back your kingdom and wealth if I had in no way taken the help of Maya in the course of the warfare? Even it was unimaginable for Lokapals to defeat the Atirathis like Bhishma, Drona, Karna, and Bhurishrava. Kaal moreover can not slay Duryodhana for his promptness in the use of mace. You ought to no longer reflect on the consideration of your enemies after killing them. Many forms of enemies deserve to die via strategies. In the past Deities have similarly killed many demons. All people follow the way of excellent persons simplest. " After it was solved through Lord Krishna, Pandavas were happy. All of them blew their conch shells and declared their victory. Then they returned to their camps.

(In Bhagavad Gita, chapter 4, verse 7-8, Lord Krishna says, 

'Yada Yada hi dharmasya Glanir Bhavati Bharata, 

abhyutthanam adharmasya Tadatmanam Srjamy aham

Paritranaya sadhunam Vinasaya ca duskritam

Dharma-samsthapanarthaya sambhavami yuge yuge.

Each time virtue subsides and wickedness prevails, I manifest myself to establish virtue, to break evil, to save the good I come from Yuga to Yuga)

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read why Kurukshetra turned out to be the place of giving salvation

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