Yudhishthira gives the total count of dead Soldiers in the Mahabharata war to Dhritarashtra

Did you know that Yudhishthira; Elder Son of Pandu and Kunti had a completely unique knowledge of Praapt Anusmriti. He was a kind and affectionate character who even after suffering plenty constantly stayed on his religion and revered his elders. Now, let us know approximately the Vidya that he became privy to in brief.

After Gandhari cursed made Lord Krishna liable for the destruction of all of the warriors, Lord Krishna gladly accepted it and asked her to stay strong on account that she was a Kshatriya mother who lost her sinful son Duryodhana and furthermore he mentioned her no longer to grief over past time, lifeless loved ones and damaged substances because of the truth that it'd simplest create a catastrophe for her. She then stayed silent. At that time, Dhritarashtra whilst handling over his sorrows, he asked to Yudhishthira that, "you are well aware of the number of soldiers left alive after the great Mahabharata war. In case you additionally know the count number of dead soldiers then do let me know."

Yudhishthira answered to him that, " In this war, one billion sixty-six crore and twenty thousand (1,660,020,000) warriors are killed. Apart from those dead soldiers, twenty-four thousand one hundred sixty-five (24,165) soldiers escaped. " After hearing this from Yudhishthira, Dhritarashtra told to him that, "It seems as in case you're an omniscient. Now tell me to which Gati (the Passage to which Jiva travels after the body dies: to the realms of Brahmaloka, Devaloka, Pitrloka, and Narakaloka ) those soldiers went after their death?"

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Yudhishthira then replied to him that, "those individuals who willingly and eagerly sacrificed themselves during this great war have reached the auspicious Loka much like Deity King Indra's. People who fought in a displeased way while being determined to die within the warfare went to the Loka of Gandharvas. Individuals who died via enemies' weapons while being distracted from the war begged for their very own life, went to GuhyakLoka. The great religious Kshatriya soldiers who have been slain through their enemies' weapons for being unarmed, for dropping all the warfare required materials, and sacrificed their lives to enemies in an effort to keep their dignity in a war without any doubt went to Brahmaloka. Apart from these, the soldiers who died inside the border of the war would get birth in the northside of Kuru state. "

Dhritarashtra then asked, "through which Vidya you witness all these just like a SiddhaPurusha or an Ascetic? Do allow me to understand in case you consider me worthy. Yudhishthira then spoke back to him that, "at the time of staying in the wooded area as in keeping with your command, I went on pilgrimage and there whilst listening related to the superb tirtha, a top-notch individual favored this knowledge to me. He was no other than sage Lomash from whom I acquired this exquisite Anusmriti Vidya. Together with that, in the past, I had additionally attained Divya Drishti or the divine sight thru Gyana yoga. "

Dhritarashtra then asked him that, "are you able to perform the funeral rites of individuals who are Anatha or orphans here and those who do not have someone to do the equal for them? Also Preta Karma (rituals accomplished by family to release the soul to support reincarnation) is to be carried out for individuals who by no means did Agnihotra (fire sacrifice rituals). Antyeshti Karma or Daah sanskara needs to be carried out for plenty of lifeless humans here. For whom we ought to do it? These lifeless soldiers whose body is now dragged by way of Garuda and vultures additionally get the Punyaloka via the Sraddha karma?

After listening to this from Dhritarashtra, Yudhishthira without delay asked Shudharma, Dhaumya, Charioteer Sanjaya, Vidura, Yuyutsu, Indrasena, and others to finish the Preta Karma of all of the lifeless bodies and also cautioned them no longer to abandon a single body as if it was unknown. According to his command, the Daah Sanskar was finished for all of the lifeless persons then. Kunti also revealed to her sons regarding Karna being born to her earlier. Yudhishthira mourned after listening to the reality from her mother, turned into devastated on killing his very own brother, completed the Preta Karma for him and later cursed all the women 'for no longer being capable of maintaining and secrets for eternity.

Ref: Mahabharata book

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