The tremendous power of Warrior Satyaki & his conflicting fight with Bhurishravas

We all talk about the mighty Arjuna and Bhima from the Pandava side in the Mahabharata war yet do you truly envision a warrior separated from these two who would be competent and sure sufficient for taking the chariot of Lord Krishna into the Chakra Sakat vyuh whereas confronting the extraordinary Kaurava warriors. He was no other than Satyaki or Yuyudhana; son of Satyaka and the amazing grandson of Shini of the Vrishni clan of Yadavas. He was one of ten survivors of the Mahabharata war. On the fourteenth day of the Mahabharata war Before entering the Vyuh of Kauravas, he rescued Dhristhtadyumna from Drona and battled energetically with Dronacharya, vanquished Duryodhana and Kritavarma, Killed Jalasandha and Gajasena of Trigartas, defended Yudhishthira as per the command of Arjuna whereas arjuna was gone to penetrate the vyuh to find Jayadratha(as Dronacharya had promised to Duryodhana to capture Yudhishtira alive), defeated Dronacharya at the entrance of vyuh, slaughtered Sudarshana, overcoming Kamvojas, Yavana and Mlech armed forces, also murdered numerous armed forces of Duryodhana and Dushasana and defeated Dushasana as well. He resembled Deity King Indra in the war.  It is genuine that as per the enlightening of Lord Krishna, Arjuna had helped Satyaki who was about to be slaughtered by the hands of Bhurishrava there in the war zone. Do you think that such a great warrior like Satyaki could be defeated by Bhurishrava or Bhoorishrava during the war? I am attending to share that with you in this post.

Since Yudhishthira was concerned about his brother Arjuna, being inspired by the mettle of Satyaki he had asked him to find Arjuna and assist him. Seeing Satyaki drawing nearer close to Arjuna and Lord Krishna. On the way Bhurishrava assaulted Satyaki. They shot numerous arrows at each other and harmed both of them. Amid their battle, they slaughtered each other's steeds, devastated their Dhanush and chariots, and began sword battle and after that wrestling combat. Seeing Satyaki spin amid the battle, Lord Krishna told Arjuna to protect his disciple Satyaki. Both of them saw Bhurishrava lifting Satyaki up and then slamming him onto the earth. Next Bhurishrava dragged Satyaki by his hand, took out his sword from its mayan, caught the hair of Satyaki, kicked him on his chest, and was about to cut off the head of unarmed Satyaki. Lord Krishna asked Arjuna to spare Satyaki from him. Arjuna took one sharp Khurpa on his Gandiva Dhanush and shot it at Bhurishrava instantly cutting off his right hand by which he was holding his sword at that time. While addressing Arjuna regarding his unjustifiable act, Bhurishrava stopped battling Satyaki, spread numerous arrows on the battlefield, sat there on starvation till his passing, and immersed his intellect in Parambrahma with a deliberate to acquire Brahmaloka. That time Whole Kaurava armed forces mortified both Lord Krishna and Arjuna for such an act. Arjuna expressed, How might they acknowledge the act of slaughtering the minor warrior Abhimanyu when he was not indeed on his chariot and was having no shields or weapons Moreover Arjuna mentioned that he would without a doubt save his relatives till the range of the reach of his bolts. Bhurishrava then touched the war zone with his head, tossed his right hand close to Arjuna, and remained quiet there. Lord Krishna at that point told Bhurishrava that he would doubtlessly travel to the Divine Loka of Parambrahma through Lord Vahan Garuda. Then Satyaki got up and notwithstanding the humiliations of Kaurava armed forces and overlooking the denying of Lord Krishna, Arjuna, Bhima, Yudhamanyu, Uttamoja, Ashwathama, Kripacharya, Karna, Brishisena, and Jayadratha, Satyaki cut off the head of Bhurishrava with a sword and killed him there.

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Let us now know how Bhurishrava was able to almost kill Satyaki. King Yayati was; the son of Nahusha and Devayani's elder son was Yadu. In his dynasty, Yadava named Devamidha was born who afterwards had a courageous son named Sura. His son was Basudeva. Within the line of King Sura, a powerful son named Shini was born. During those days Shini after triumph over all the kings abducted  Devaki; the daughter of Devak from her swayamvara for King Basudeva. At that time Somadatta; son of King Balhika and the elder brother of Shantanu could not endure the act of Shini and battle with him in combat for half of a day. Shini amid the battle lifted Somadatta and slammed him on the ground. Then he caught Somadatta by his hair and kicked him. However, Shini left Somadatta alive in that combat.

Later Somadatta in order to take revenge on Shini, prayed to Lord Shiva and pleased him. He asked in a boon for a powerful son who would be able to slam the sons of Shini on the battlefield and slaughter them by kicking during the war in front of thousands of warriors. 

After hearing this, Lord Shiva denied him by saying, "I can not allow you such boon since the sons of Shini as of now have favoured by me through their penance not to be get murdered by anybody within the three lokas. Be that as it may, I grant you that, your son will be able to make the grandson of Shini(Satyaki) unconscious as per your wish amid the war but not be able to slaughter him, and additionally, Lord Krishna will spare Satyaki." As per the boon, Somadatta had a child named Bhurishrava who later slammed Satyaki into the war zone and kicked him before the warriors.

Satyaki was born in the Brishni clan. These warriors used to be bold, talented in war, respectful towards their people, not covetous, always helpful, honest, devout, and neither gloat nor confounded. Satyaki could vanquish deities, Demons, and Gandharvas.

This was the reason why Bhurishrava was able to slam Satyaki on the battlefield and kick him. Now imagine how could Arjuna not enter between the battle of Bhurishrava and Satyaki and spare Satyaki there. Abhimanyu was killed pathetically by the hands of Kaurava sinners. Indeed at the time when Lord Shiva gave the boon to Somadatta, had already specified that Lord Krishna would protect Satyaki during the battle with Somadatta's son Bhurishrava. No doubt being the charioteer of Arjuna, Lord Krishna couldn't spare him by himself but he did it through Arjuna as it were. How could Lord Shiva's statement not be true? Lord Shiva had moreover alluded to Somadatta that he is known as Lord Krishna and there's no distinction between him and Lord Krishna. Hence ought to not be any conflict in that fight.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about how Lord Krishna guided Arjuna towards getting Pashupatastra from Lord Shiva..

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