Arjuna gets Pashupatastra weapon from Lord Shiva in his dream

As I have specified, In Dwapara yuga Arjuna is alluded to as 'Nara' and Lord Krishna as 'Narayana'. Many assume that Arjuna being accompanied by Lord Krishna was able to win the Mahabharata war. It is genuine that he was blessed by Lord Krishna because of his sacrosanct nature. But the Lord never raised any weapon or took part in the war, he guided him. Narayana or the incredible almighty God would direct us: the holy human beings or Nara all through life. But human beings need to exclusively provide the endeavours. God will continuously show us the correct way and liberate us from distress.

On the thirteenth day of the Mahabharata war When Abhimanyu was assaulted and murdered unjustifiably, Arjuna was busy fighting with Samsaptakas and the rest of the Pandavas couldn't enter the Vyuh because Jayadratha's boon allowed by Lord Shiva. Hence after hearing about Abhimanyu's passing, Arjuna took a pledge to kill Jayadratha the following day otherwise, would have destroyed himself.

After hearing the vow, Lord Krishna asked Arjuna how could he take such a pledge without the assent of his brothers and without considering the consequences in the event that Arjuna wouldn't be able to keep it. Lord Krishna moreover cautioned Arjuna that, Kauravas after knowing about Arjuna's oath, had gotten more alert and prepared themselves to keep Jayadratha away from Arjuna Moreover vanquishing all these extraordinary warriors of Kauravas to find Jayadratha was not that simple too. Arjuna knightly answered him that he would certainly, find him and kill Jayadratha another day. Then he went to his camp to take a nap after revering Lord Krishna and reciting the mantra of Lord Shiva in his mind(that mantra was told to him by Vyasa amid the exile period of Pandavas).

Lord Krishna came back to his camp alongside his charioteer Daruka and talked about the pledge of Arjuna with him at midnight. Lord Krishna specified that "I never adore my brother, relatives, wives and any other companions more than Arjuna, I never wish to see the total world without Arjuna, I will never let anything awful happen to him, will devastate all the Kauravas with my Sudarshan chakra to fulfil the promise of Arjuna. Any adversaries of Arjuna is a foe of me too and any adherents of Arjuna is also the same to me, I consider Arjuna as my half-body." Lord Krishna then asked Daruka to Remain prepared with the chariot in the early morning for Satyaki in order to assist Arjuna.

That time Arjuna in his dream saw Lord Krishna approaching close to him and asking him the reason behind his grievances. Arjuna even in his dream invited the Lord devotedly as he was always and Courteously offered him a seat whereas he simply stood there. Lord Krishna specified to him that, Arjuna must not mourn for anything as it would devastate him. Lamenting would only make him powerless and on the other hand, thrill his foes. Rather he ought to remain effortful and do his karma. Arjuna at that point requested a solution to find Jayadratha among the extraordinary warriors and kill him due to the truth that Kauravas would no doubt have positioned Jayadratha at the back to keep him secure.

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Lord Krishna advised Arjuna to pray to Lord Shiva and take shelter in his mind in order to urge the incredible destructive weapon Pashupata or Pashupatastra. Arjuna through Aachamanam Vidhi(a way to decontaminate himself completely by sipping drops of water known as Jalapanam), pondered while reciting Lord Shiva. Arjuna being absorbed in meditation, noticed himself travelling within the sky together with Lord Krishna. Lord Krishna was holding the right hand of Arjuna. They both went over the awesome Ganga riverside, Mandarchal Mount, Kaal Parvat, Brahmatunga, and Maha Mandarchal Mount and reached the Brahmapada (put of supreme). Arjuna noticed Lord Shiva was being worshipped there on that mountain along with Devi Parvati. Lord Krishna beside Arjuna did Stuti of Lord Shiva there and satisfied him.

Lord Shiva wished to know the reason behind their coming. Arjuna noticed the powerful Pashupatastra that was there near Lord Shiva and requested to have the same from him. Lord Shiva wished to take a test of Arjuna there. So he asked Arjuna to bring him his Gigantic Dhanush by which he had killed all the demons in the past and that was kept in a sacred stream nearby. Both Nara Narayana went to that river and in that stream, they saw one ghastly snake that was spitting out furious fires from its mouth and another horrible snake that was having a thousand ears. Lord Krishna and Arjuna then prayed to Lord Shiva there and by the Lord's grace, those snakes transformed into Dhanush, or bow and arrow.

Lord Krishna and Arjuna took those to Lord Shiva. All of a sudden one forceful celibate showed up at Lord Shiva's side, took that Dhanush in his hand, and pulled the string of it. Seeing Arjuna watching him carefully, Lord Shiva through his intellect instructed Arjuna on the divine mantra. Then Lord Shiva again dropped that Bow and arrow into the river like before and pleased with Arjuna blessed him with his divine Pasupat weapon. Lord Krishna together with Arjuna returned to their war camp. Likewise, Arjuna was able to acquire the weapon in his dream travel only.

Ref: Mahabharata book

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