Son of Varuna dev dies by his magical mace

The son of Varuna Dev known as Srutayudha had taken part in the Mahabharata war. He was the warrior ruler of Kalinga who battled against Pandavas and died on the fourteenth day of the war. He was once blessed by a divine mace by his father which got to be the reason behind his destruction. Let me tell you all how did it happen. 

Srutayudha's mother Parnasa had asked for a boon from her spouse Varuna deity to make their son not be killed within the front line by any adversaries. As a result, Varuna Dev blessed his son with one divine mace. Along with that Varuna moreover expressed to his spouse that, "no people can get to be godlike. Passing is certain. " Then he presented that mace to Srutayudha and made him more undefeated. Varuna dev at that point cautioned his son of the unfavourable impacts of that Mace that if he utilized the weapon against any unharmed individual at that point it would hit Srutayudha only. That mace could slaughter The person who had used it ominously.

Arjuna had taken a pledge to murder Jayadratha, and he went interior the Chakra Sakata Vyuh that was orchestrated by Drona. In order to keep Jayadratha away from Arjuna, Kauravas had asked him to remain at the back. Arjuna had to find Jayadratha before the sunset. Arjuna battled with Drona and Kritavarman and entered the armies of Kauravas. Srutyudha stood within the front of the Akshauhini armies on the Kaurava side along with Sakuni, Shalya, Jayadratha, two sovereigns of Avanti named Vinda and Anuvinda, and the Kekaya brothers, and Sudakshina the ruler of the Kamvojas, Jayatsena, Vrihadvala, Kritavarma.

Srutayudha assaulted Arjuna beside Lord Krishna by shooting numerous arrows at him and harming both of them. Arjuna too assaulted Srutayudha with his bolts, cut off his bow and quiver, and then shot arrows at him on his chest. Arjuna at that point slaughtered Srutayudha's horses and charioteer debilitating his movement on the chariot during the fight. Srutayudha seeing his steeds dead, surged towards Arjuna while taking his magical mace in his hand. He didn't remember the warnings of his father at that time.

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Srutayudha then hit on the strong shoulder of Lord Krishna with his mace. Just like The wind could not move the Vindhya mount similarly the mace could not injure Lord Krishna at all. Like the way the evil and filled with incantation act ruins, it's Yajamana that mace went back straight to Srutayudha fell on him and killed him right away. Since Lord Krishna didn't take part in the war and was holding no weapons Srutayudha's mace could not harm the Lord but on the other hand, slaughtered Srutayudha only.

Ref: Mahabharata book 

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