Jaigishavya surprises Devala sage with his tremendous asceticism

Lord Balarama reached close to Aditya Tirtha during his pilgrimage to Sarasvati riverside, in which non-secular sage named Ashita Devala used to stay earlier. He accompanied the Grihastha or being occupied within his family or householder. He was extraordinarily pious, honest, Jitendriya (who conquered over his senses and ardor) and dealt with everybody similarly. He was by no means indignant, often worshiped the deities and visitors civilly, and practiced celibacy.

Someday Sanyasi Jaigishabhya or Jaigishavya reached the tirtha thru his yoga and resided in Devala sage's hermitage. That hermit practiced extreme Tapas (austerities) achieved siddhi (Supernatural abilities, magical powers, or skills via yoga and meditation). Devala sage in no way practiced Yoga Saadhana in front of Jaigishavya. a long time passed. Devala sage by that time no longer used to see the hermit apart from the mealtime and begging alms. Devala used to worship the hermit out of affection and honor. Devala noticed that even after worshiping the lazy monk for a long term, he by no means spoke to the sage once. At the same time as thinking such, the sage took his pitcher and went close to the sea. He found that Jagishabhya was already there earlier than him. Devala was at a loss for words to think how could the monk reach right here before him and moreover he had already carried out along with his bath in the ocean. The monk as usual stayed silent. Then Devala completed his bath with Japa in the ocean and returned back to his hermitage along with his pitcher.

After getting into his hermitage, Devala noticed that monk was already there and as regular didn't say anything to him. Now Devala was in deep thought to see the hermit reaching the hermitage earlier than him. With a purpose to observe Jaigishavya, Devala sage flew away in the sky along with his Ascetic power. There the sage noticed Jaigishavya with many first-rate yogis there. Then he saw Jaigishavya visiting thru Svargaloka, Pitrloka, Yamaloka and Chandraloka. Then towards the Uttam Lokas of Yajnas, Lokas of Agnihotra(yajna or fire sacrifice rituals). Devala watched Jaigishavya next proceeded to the location of Tapoghana and was worshiped by way of Deities there. Then he entered the location wherein Agnishtoma yajna used to be performed. Then he even reached the location of Vajapayees (who performs Vajapaya yajna which is a high stage yajna that includes excessive valued Dakshinas). Devala watched him going to the auspicious Loka in which awesome yajnas like Rajasuya and Pundarika used to be done. Even Jaigishavya was seen in the places in which Asvamedha (horse sacrifice rituals) and Naramedha (human sacrifice rituals or Purushamedha was occurring). He was additionally seen at the rare yajna locations of Sautramani ( sacrifice executed to please Indra), Sarvamedha (all sacrifice), and Dvadasha yajna ( twelve days sacrifice). Next Devala sage noticed Jaigishavya hermit at the Lokas of Varuna and Adityas, then surpassed over the Lokas of Rudra, Vasus, and Brihaspati. He was next visible in the gau Loka proceeded to the yajna location of Brahmastra(yajna venerated by way of Lord Brahma) after which within the vicinity of Pativratas. After that Devala sage failed to see him anywhere. He speculated the impact, Uttam Vrat and Yoga siddhi of Jaigishavya. He then in a well-mannered way asked all of the extraordinary monks about the whereabouts of Jaigishavya due to the fact that he did not see him anymore.

Those remarkable monks replied to Devala that, "Jagishabhya hermit has now reached the Sanatana Loka. You can't enter that Loka with the power you possess." Devala was stunned to listen to this. He then returned back to his Ashrama. After entering inside he saw Jaigishavya hermit was sitting there. Devala went close to him and courteously asked him that, " Lord! I desire to take the Moksha or Moksa Dharma (freedom from samsara or from the cycle of birth and demise) now." After understanding that Devala sage wished to take Sannyasa (life of renunciation or the fourth stage after Brahmacharya, Grihastha, and Vanaprastha), Jaigishavya advised him Uttam Vidhi of Yoga and virtues and unrighteousness acts according to Sastras. Even he gave him Diksha and dignified him as per the Sastras for accepting Sannyasa. All the Pitras along with others grieved for Devala on taking such a decision as he was providing them the offerings. Seeing they all mourning for Devala, he thought of leaving the Moksha Dharma.

Then all the flora, fruits, Kusa, herbs ended up depressed by way of pronouncing that, Sage Devala might again start with plucking all of them because of the reality that he forgot his oath of giving Abhaydaan(granting the freedom of fear) to them.

After that Devala pondered to find the finest manner for him in between accepting Moksha Dharma or continue along with his Grihastha. He got here to a conclusion of taking sannyasa simplest and therefore executed Paramasiddhi and Uttamyog. Brihaspati, Narada, and other deities admired Devala sage at the side of Jaigishavya for their rigorous asceticism. Consequently Devala sage acquired Sanatana Loka like Jaigishavya.

Ref: Mahabharata book

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