The glory of Kurukshetra

Lord Balarama reached dignified Samanta Panchaka Tirtha in the course of his pilgrimage to Sarasvati riverside and inquired approximately the glory of Kurukshetra to the sages there. Deities had carried out many top-notch yajnas in this vicinity. This holy region is also known as the Uttarvedi of Prajapati. Samanta Panchaka was named after Lord Parashurama slew many Kshatriyas consequently filled five tanks with their blood and later did Tarpana (an oblation to the deities or manes) to his ancestors. The legendary king Kuru in Mahabharata once determined to plough this place. This place is also referred to as Kurukshetra which was named after him only. let us know about it quickly.

Kuru was the son of Samvarana and Tapati; the Surya god's daughter. he's an ancestor of Pandu (Pandavas) and Dhritarashtra(Kauravas). 'Kuru' was later used for the descendants of Dhritarashtra only. He usually wished for the welfare of his people. Accordingly, he once started plowing the Samanta Panchaka Tirtha. Indra reached close to him and asked him, "What is the reason behind such a massive effort? what is your intention? Why are you plowing this land?"

King replied, "Any individual should acquire sinlessly Punyaloka after dying on this land."

Indra then mocked him and left for Svargaloka. Kuru did not hesitate at all. He persisted in his work there. Indra repeatedly got close to the king, ridiculed him by means of inquiring approximately his activities, and used to leave for heaven then. Kuru did not stop. He carried on with plowing with willpower just like the practice of rigid penance through tremendous devotion. Indra went to the deities and mentioned it to them. They advised Indra that, "as a matter of choice, King Kuru need to be given a boon to divert his mind. If human beings after their demise on this land attain heaven without performing yajnas then Our part of Havisha will be gone. "

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Indra went to the king and asked him, "Why are you unnecessarily suffering through this act? Please obey my proposal. Only those animals and people who either will die here out of starvation or via warfare will acquire Punyaloka. " Kuru agreed to him. Indra then peacefully returned to heaven. Likewise, King Kuru cultivated the eight virtues which include, Tapa, Satya, Kshama, Daya, Shauch, Daan, Yuga, and Brahmacharya on its barren land.

'There won't be any location greater than this where an individual acquires Brahmaloka via his extreme penance after his death. A saintly human who donates right here will increase the same hundred times of it. A person who stays here at the same time as considering the welfare of the universe will never go to hell. Any kings who do splendid yajnas here will obtain Svargaloka till the time the earth exists.'

Indra himself sang the consideration of extraordinary Kurukshetra by announcing to the deities, "Oh deities! If the dust of this land touches any individual, it'll even make his sins go away. Many incredible Kings have acquired heaven after their demise through their yajnas done in this land. Samanta Panchaka Kurukshetra was situated amongst the sacred spots of Tarantuka, Arantuka, Ramahrada (Parashurama Kund) and Machakruka. This holy vicinity is extremely preferable by means of all of the deities. " Lord Brahma, Vishnu, and Mahesvara accepted these statements of Indra.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read why Indra was once accountable for Brahma Hatya..

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