Female Celibate Vrddha Kumari marries at fifty-eight

In Mahabharata, I found a topic of a female celibate Vrddha Kumari, who didn't find it vital to get married throughout her life but simplest did it in her old age. I personally believe all of us should follow our ambition before jumping into a wedding. In her whole existence, Vrddha kumari stayed in line with brilliant asceticism. let us now realize why after a long duration she took the choice of getting married. 

Lord Balarama went near that antique woman's hermitage in the course of his pilgrimage to Sarasvati riverside. There was once one sage named Kunigarga in that tirtha. He used to exercise rigid penance continuously. With his great asceticism, he once created one beautiful lady from his mind. He became pleased to see her there and took care of her as his own daughter. After some period he left his body and achieved Svargaloka. That lady built one Asrama and practiced severe penance. She via her meditation and Vrat worshiped the deities and Pitras there. A long time passed. She endured with her asceticism. At the time sage was alive, he had thought of finding a marriage partner for her. But she had denied the same. She never found any deserving person for her.

She practiced austerities in the dense forest while tormenting her very own body and constantly worshiped the deities and Pitras with all her willpower. After being exhausted she used to feel obliged. Day by day she became weak due to the fact of her rigorous penance and aging. At the time she turned into absolutely unable to walk anywhere, she thought of leaving her body. At that point, Narada Ji appeared in front of her and informed her that, "Oh substantially determined celibate lady! you're still an unmarried girl. how will you obtain Punyaloka? I have heard about you in Devaloka. You completed inflexible penance however failed to acquire heaven yet. "

After hearing this from Narada Ji, she announced within the assembly of the sages by way of pronouncing to them that, "Excellent sages! I will give half of my asceticism to that sage who amongst you all decides to take my hand." At that time Sage Shringavana or Sringavan; son of amazing sage Galava expressed his desire to take her hand however simplest on one condition that she had to stay with him for one night after their marriage. She agreed. Shringavana married Vrddha Kumari with proper sastra rituals and completed the ceremony before the fire with hymns of Vedas. According to the condition she spent one night with him and became a woman.

Shringavana was pleased with his stunning wife.

in the morning she instructed the sage that, "Brahmarishi! As according to your condition I spent one night with you. I now wish you well. Allow me to depart." Whilst leaving for Svargaloka, she blessed the place that, "any individual who wholeheartedly will do Tarpana (an oblation to the deities or to manes) to the deities and Pitras and stay right here for a night, consequently, will obtain virtues much like the rewards acquired for celibacy accomplished for fifty-eight years." Then she left her body. After her demise, the sage became depressed while remembering her divine appearance. As mentioned by way of Brahmacharini earlier, sage Shringavana acquired half of her asceticism however he accepted it in difficulties. He was in sorrow to lose a beautiful lady like her. He additionally left his body and went on her way.

As in keeping with sastras, a female can not achieve svarga until she is married or having her own baby. In Mahabharata, King Pandu of Hastinapur knew his better halves Kunti and Madri could not get pregnant due to his curse therefore he requested Kunti to use the spell of Sage Durvasa as a way to have kids with an intention to acquire heaven. Apsara like Adrika who was cursed by way of Brahma achieved Svargaloka just after giving birth to Satyavati; mother of Vyasa. Awesome Celibates like Jaratkaru, Agastya, Mandapala many more went via the phase of marriage due to the reality of giving salvation to their ancestors and acquire heaven by having descendants of their own. Even though Vrddha Kumari only kept her mind in celibacy and in no way wished to marry but she had to do it to complete her superb asceticism.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about the curse of Sage Kindama on King Pandu..

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