The glory of Sage Dadhichi and sage Sarasvata 

Lord Balarama in the course of his pilgrimage to Sarasvati riverside reached close to Soma Tirth, where great sage Dadhichi's hermitage was there. Inside the Vana Parva of Mahabharata, the greatness of this holy tirtha is also noted to the Pandavas during their pilgrimage. (Chandrama or Soma once finished splendid Rajasuya yajna in Soma Tirtha and Taraka Sangram additionally occurred there). Sage Sarasvata was the son of remarkable sage Dadhichi. He was born to the holy river Sarasvati for that reason was named after her and later in his younger age, he taught the Vedas to many first-rate sages. let us know about it in a short.

Sage Dadhichi was a topnotch Ascetic and a rigid celibate. Great sage Bhrigu; son of Lord Brahma Had created godly and Powerful sage Dadhichi from his outstanding asceticism for the welfare of all the Lokas. Sage Dadhichi used to practice penance and austerities always in this Tirtha. Deity king Indra used to be afraid of sage's superb meditation. It turned impossible to distract or lure the sage from his asceticism. At some point, Indra thought of tempting the sage through one Apsara therefore he sent the most captivating Alambusha close to him. that time Sage Dadhichi was offering libation for the deities in the Sarasvati river. (Tarpana or an oblation to the deities or to manes). Seeing the appealing and divine Apsara Alambusha, he had an involuntary emission of semen that fell down into the river was then absorbed by way of Sarasvati simplest. She gladly stored it in her stomach with an intention to have a son from the sage consequently, she became pregnant. Later she gave birth to a son.

Sarasvati took him to the sage and informed him about his son's birth. She additionally referred to that at the same time as retaining devotion in the direction of the sage she did not desire his semen to be wasted therefore she carried it in her womb. Then she asked the sage to accept his son there. Sage Dadhichi kissed his son's forehead out of affection and pleased on Sarasvati he blessed her that, "By way of performing Tarpana thru your water, Viswadeva, Pitras, Gandharvas, and Apsaras will be pleased always." Then sage wholeheartedly did Stuti of Sarasvati there.

"Sarasvati! You appeared from the holy river of Lord Brahma. The sages who exercise strict penance and austerities understand about your glory. you have taken into consideration the welfare of me. Consequently, this brilliant child will be named after you as 'Sarasvata'. He will end up renowned Ascetic. On the time when the rain will be stopped for twelve years, Sarasvata will then train Vedas to all the Brahmins. I additionally bless you to be regarded as the holiest river greater than the other rivers."

Then Sarasvati thankfully returned back to her location with her son. At some point of time during that period because of the fact of having severe conflicts among all of the deities and demons, Deity king Indra looked for weapons in all three Lokas. However, he couldn't discover any powerful weapon that could kill the Devadrohis. He informed the other deities that, "aside from the bones of Sage Dadhichi, no different weapons can kill the Daityas. Consequently, you all solicit sage Dadhichi for his bones. We will slay those demons by way of using his bones as weapons." After hearing the request of the deities, Sage Dadhichi whilst keeping the welfare of the universe in his mind, gladly left his body and went to the Punyaloka. Indra then created many Ayudhas like mace, Chakra, Vajra (The tremendous thunder weapon), Dandas from the bones. furious Indra with spiritual chanting used these weapons against the demons and killed eight hundred ten of them.

Once there was a drought extending over twelve years. As a result, all of the sages who practiced Vedas and stayed at the bank of the Sarasvati migrated to the vicinity out of hunger and for sustenance. After watching the sages leaving the location, Sarasvata additionally determined the equal. Sarasvati told to her son that, "Son! You must not depart this area. I can provide you with fine fishes to eat. You stay right here only." Sarasvata continued staying there and he pleased the deities and his ancestors there. He recalled all of the Vedas whilst keeping his stomach full.

After the end of the drought, all of the sages inquired each other for Svadhyaya. Even as wandering here and there out of starvation, they had already forgotten their Vedas. Now not a single sage remembered the Vedas. They went near Sage Sarasvata who carried out Svadhyaya regularly in a densely wooded area. They asked the sage to teach him Vedas. Sage Sarasvata asked them to turn out to be his disciples ritually.

Sages then told him that, "Son! you are just a younger boy now. How can we accept being your disciple? " Sarasvata sage answered to them that, "my religion should stay unharmed. this is why I said so. Considering the fact that whoever does Vedadhyayana against the rituals or teaches the recitation of Vedic mantras in an unrighteous manner, soon loses his virtues and bears malice closer to others. Old age, grey hair, plenty of wealth, and a lot of relatives do no longer make one superior. Excellent Sages have pointed out gaining knowledge of Vedas to be the only finest religion among all. " after hearing this from him, sages were agreed. A total number of Sixty thousand sages accepted being disciples of commemorated sage Sarasvata and acquired Vedic expertise from him.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read more about Indra killing Vrita with the help of Sage Dadhichi..

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