Drona puts down his weapons and leaves his body

The son of sage Bharadwaja and the powerful warrior Guru of both Pandavas and Kauravas; Drona died during the superb Mahabharata war.  considering that I take reference from the ancient book of Mahabharata, I might like to feature a few more information about that incident. Few people question religious Yudhishthira not being honest to Drona and Lord Krishna suggesting Arjuna take the help of a lie to defeat his guru. Drona was asked by Saptarishis or the seven outstanding sages to quit the war. Arjuna had asked Dhrishtadyumna to seize Dronacharya alive rather than killing him but Drona died as predicted before. I will share those in detail in this post.

On the fifteenth day of the Mahabharata battle, After killing Panchala King Drupada and Matsya King Virata, Drona fought vigorously and slew many Panchala armies. Pandavas became afraid of his power. Lord Krishna cautioned Arjuna that, "Parth! Unless Dronacharya places down his Dhanush, even a deity like Indra can't defeat him. Pandavas! attempt to triumph over your guru rather than considering killing him would be out of your religion. Dronacharya will stop fighting only after knowing that Ashwathama or Ashvatthama is dead. someone ought to cross near him and say it." Arjuna being the fave disciple of Dronacharya did not like the notion. But Yudhishthira somehow agreed. that time Bhima killed one fierce elephant named Ashwathama of the Malava king Indravarma and announced near Dronacharya that Ashwathama had been killed while referring to the elephant in his mind. Drona couldn't believe his assertion, went after Dhrishtadyumna and Panchala armies, and used his Brahmastra. Lord Krishna suggested Yudhishthira the first-rate strength of Dronacharya could defeat the entire Pandavas and for this reason recommended him, "lying to someone to rescue lives no longer is considered as a wrongful act." Drona slew twenty thousand armies of Panchala, cut off the head of Basudana with his Bhalla, and killed fifty warriors of the Matsya nation, six thousand Srujaya armies, and ten thousand horsemen.

Seeing a Brahmin Guru killing many Kshatriyas, Saptarishis(Visvamitra, Jamadagni, Atri, Bharadvaja, Kashyapa, Vasishtha and Gautama) led by way of Agni reached close to Drona with an intention to take him to Brahmaloka. Other extremely good sages like Angira, Sikat, Bhrigu, Garga, and Prushni were also present there. all of them asked Dronacharya, "Drona! put down your weapons and take a look at us.

Till now you've got fought only sinfully. it's your time to die now and consequently forestall these violent acts because it does not match an outstanding Vedic scholar and a truthful non-secular Brahmin like you. your time on earth is completed now. observe the Sanatan Dharma. you've already executed unrighteous via using Brahamastra against the ones who are not privy to the same. place all of your weapons on the battleground. "

listening to this from the sages, whilst recalling Bhima's declaration of Ashwathama's death, Drona was melancholy. He turned in the direction of Yudhishthira and asked the truth behind his son's demise. Drona knew a saintly person like Yudhishthira ought to by no means lie. Yudhishthira advised him to 'Ashwathama Hathah' (Ashwathama is dead) loudly but then muttered 'Kunjarah'(Elephant). due to his false announcement, the chariot of Yudhishthira which chariot used to stay four fingers excessively from the ground got down and touched the ground. Drona consequently went into despair and could not combat it like before. both Dhrishtadyumna and Drona fought with each other. Drona then came to the conclusion of leaving his existence at the same time as combating, killing twenty thousand Kshatriyas and one lakh elephants there. Drona had already destroyed the weapons, and chariot of DhrishtadyumnaDrona and Dhrishtadyumna each used Brahamastra against each other. Drona destroyed the Dhanush of Dhrishtadyumna and injured him.

Bhima reached near Dronacharya and informed him in a low voice, "Such massive destruction of Kshatriyas would not have occurred if a sensible Brahmin had not left his saintly religion of being harmless toward all. you are a greater Brahmavetta than these Brahmins. Still, you slaughtered many Kshatriyas like a fool Chandal for your spouse, son, and wealth. How come you aren't ashamed of preferring such sinology of Sv Dharm Parayaan or self-righteousness only for the sustenance of his son? That son for whom he was longing for life is now dead. You should no longer doubt at the wordings of Yudhishthira."

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Drona then dropped all his weapons on the battlefield and announced Karna, Kripacharya, and Duryodhana to carry on with their fight seeing that it'd give them salvation at the end. Then whilst taking the name of Ashwathama, he sat on the backside of his chariot and took Samadhi there. Drona while being in Yoga samadhi, engrossed his mind completely in Lord Vishnu with purifying Sattva pondered indestructible Paramatma through chanting 'OM'(soul self inside) left his body and travelled to Brahmaloka. only Vyasa, Arjuna, Yudhishthira, and Lord Krishna witnessed him journeying to such Punyaloka. 

Finding the right possibility Dhrishtadyumna jumped down from his chariot, took his sword, and rushed toward Dronacharya. Arjuna out of mercy asked him no longer to kill him but to bring him alive. Drona was already dead at that point and for which he remained silent. Dhrishtadyumna cut off his head and tossed it closer to Duryodhana. Terrified all of the Kaurava armies started running right here and there. Later no person could recognize Dronacharya's body amongst those lifeless bodies lying over the battlefield. Dronacharya was 400 years old by that point when he died.

Dhrishtadyumna was born from the Yajna fire made by way of King Drupada to kill Dronacharya. It was prewritten similar to Bhishma was destined through Lord Brahma to be killed by Arjuna. No person can change the fate Written by way of God. Dronacharya was a Brahmin, not a Kshatriya. Even though Bhima lied to him regarding his son Ashwathama's death however he was right about the Dronacharya going against his Dharma. Brahmins should no longer raise weapons. Even excellent Brahmin like Vasishtha couldn't harm Visvamitra while he was abducting his Nandini cow from him. Superb Lord Parashurama(6th incarnation of Lord Vishnu) no matter being a Brahmin, slaughtered many Kshatriyas but later was pacified. although Drona was capable of killing many however that didn't mean he could go in opposition to his dharma for which Saptarishis asked him to give up war. It's genuine that Yudhishthira did not lie. He was saintly and out of all other Pandavas he was the only one who attained heaven later because of the reality of his virtues whereas all other Pandavas on the side of Draupadi went to Hell. All of us are aware of how much Arjuna was fond of his Guru and Bhishma Pitamaha. Even though Arjuna had requested Dhrishtadyumna to capture Dronacharya alive by that time His guru had already left his body. Furthermore, Lord Krishna had recommended the right thing to do. Dronacharya had to die. Dronacharya had earlier gone against his righteousness too while taking revenge on the Drupada king and later supported Sinful Kauravas for his son's sustenance. Committed much violence in opposition to his religion and the best way to convince him to stop the war was to go through his weakness toward his beloved son. 'A Brahmin needs to be tolerant. God simplest stays in righteousness.'

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about the astonishing birth of Dronacharya and Kripacharya.. 

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