Vyasa talks about Nara Narayana to Ashwatthama and the glory of Lord Shiva with Arjuna

May Lord Shiva bless you all with happiness. I'm obliged to share this post on the excellent eve of Maha Shivaratri about the dignity of Lord Shiva told by way of Vyasa to Ashwathama and Arjuna at some point in the Mahabharata warfare. let us understand about it.

On the fifteenth day of the Mahabharata war, after the demise of Dronacharya, His epic warrior son Ashwathama so as to avenge the death of his father unleashed Narayanastra and the next Agneyastra on Pandavas. The divine weapons could be used only once in opposition to the enemies. Ashwathama destroyed the Akshauhini armies of Pandavas. Narayanastra is the divine weapon of Lord Vishnu in his form of Lord Narayana and Agneyastra is of Deity Agni. Lord Krishna being the incarnation of Lord Narayana himself recommended everyone on the Pandavas' side to surrender their weapons to the divine weapon. Except for Bhima, everybody followed his guidance. Bhima denied surrendering to the weapon while referring it to as a cowardice act, continued battling, and later was restrained with the aid of Lord Krishna and his brothers. Ashwathama was distressed to see such a divine weapon injuring every person except Lord Krishna and Arjuna in the Kurukshetra. Seeing Krishna Dvaipayana Vyasa suddenly approaching there, he curiously asked him how could his great weapon be worthless and whether had he accomplished any mistake that resulted, therefore.

Vyasa responded to him, "Indestructible and Imperishable great Lord Narayana once was born on this planet as the son of Dharma. He went to the Himalayas while raising his hands practiced austerities and did extreme penance there for sixty thousand years through dwelling on air only. Then he did penance for twice that number of years and spread his incredible glory among the sky and earth. at the time while Lord Narayana became established in ultimate Brahma, the victorious ruler of the complete universe Lord Visweswara(Lord Shiva) appeared before him. he's called 'Rudra' who eradicates the troubles from our life. Narayana offered his prayers gladly to Lord Maheshwara(Lord Shiva) while doing his Vandana there. Besides many Bhutas Goddess Parvati was also present there near Lord Shiva. Narayana devotedly did Stuti of Lord Shiva and thrilled him. Lord Shiva then granted him many boons.

Lord Shiva said, 'Narayana! you will possess wonderful power and braveness amongst humans, Deities, and Gandharvas. Deities, giant snakes, demons, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Suparnas, and many animals like Lions and tigers can never match your energy. You can't be defeated by even any deity in a battle. With my blessings, you can't be injured by means of any weapons, Vajra, Agni, Wind, any liquid or dry substances, and by way of any other individuals. You will be mightier than me as soon as you enter a battle.'

Likewise, Lord Krishna in his form of Narayana was granted with many boons. 'Nara' appeared from the asceticism of incredible Narayana, who is born as Arjuna in this Dwapara era. Nara possesses equal strength to Narayana. Out of the Trimurti (perfect divinity in Hinduism Lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu, and Lord Maheshwara), these two sages have been mentioned in the form of Lord Vishnu who appears in this abode earth many times for the wellbeing of mankind.

Ashwathama! In the preceding birth, you've carried out rigorous penance via establishing and worshipping Vigraha of Lord Shiva through Homa, Japa, and offerings and later obtained many boons from him like Lord Narayana. You and Narayana both have been worshipping tremendous Vigraha and Shiva lingam of Lord Shiva respectively in all of your births. That man or woman who prays devotedly to Shiva lingam is distinguished with high-quality Sanatana Atmayoga (consciousness of Atma and Paramatma) and Sastra yoga (Svadhyaya or self-study of Vedas and sacred texts) and consequently, is blessed. All of the Deities and Maharishis do penance wholeheartedly for the triumphant Lord Shiva considering the fact that he grants all their wishes. Lord Krishna who is regarded as Lord Shiva is an excellent devotee of him therefore we all should pray to Lord Krishna. "

After hearing the whole thing from Vyasa Ashwathama offered his prayers to Lord Shiva, accepted the glory of Lord Krishna, and returned to his camp while taking back his army. Noticing Vyasa near him, Arjuna asked him about the strange thing that he experienced after the death of Guru Drona.

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Arjuna said, "Maharishi! whilst slaying the enemies, I noticed one blazing fire-like individual leading in the battlefield at the same time as holding a burning Trishula weapon and destroying all the enemies whomever he discovered on his way. Everyone assumed me slaying my enemies while I watched him completely doing this. That person was glorifying like sun, he never touched the ground with his toes and didn't abandon his very own Trishula however created many new from it to kill those enemies." Arjuna was keen to understand such a divine person.

Vyasa spoke back, "He was no other than The wonderful Lord Shankara. Shiva is potential for existence, Shiva is all-encompassing - the universal soul or consciousness. realizing this Shiva Tattva results in Ananda or bliss. he is the ruler of Deities and the first Prajapati who blesses all. Whose head is glorified by the rows of moving waves of the celestial Ganga river, Which stir inside the deep nicely of his hair in tangled locks, who has the incredible fire burning on the surface of his forehead( Rudra is his Sanjnya), And who has the crescent moon as a jewel on his head. on his neck a snake, that is hung like a garland. The ruler of Bhuvana worshipped as Mahadeva, Hara and Sthanu rules the universe and fulfils all our needs. He is the superb Visweswara and Viswaniyanta(creator) offers the rewards to our Karmas considering the well-being thus powerful. he is the everlasting Soul who has no creator above Him therefore is Swayambu(self-manifested), the bliss and happiness giver to all. he is the yoga and Yogeshwara as well as the Lord of complete Lokeshwara. he is the Sanatana Dev, the indestructible supreme who is free from Janma, Mrityu, Jara, and Vyadhi. all the Parshad(spiritual assembly) of Lord Shiva are regarded in many forms who wholeheartedly worship him and consequently get the mercy of the Lord. In Yaju Veda, Satarudriya studi of Lord Shiva is noted. In Shri Rudram or Satarudriya Stotra, Lord Shiva's greatness is elaborated which will increase the lifeline and prosperity and free us all from sorrows and sins after we thoroughly chant it. Wise Brahmins recognize forms: one is 'Ghora' and another one is 'Shiva'. Those two are separated forms which created many numbers of bodies from them. Ghora's form of him consists of fire, Lord Vishnu, and the sun whereas his Soma (Shiva) body is referred to as the ocean, Nakshatras, planet, and moon. Few also says his half body is known as 'Agni' and another half 'Soma'. In Devaloka 'Shiva' form is venerated and in Manushya Loka 'Agni'. Lord Maheshwara stays inside the standards of the Veda, Vedangas, Upanishads, Puranas and Sastras. Lord Shiva after being thrilled presents prosperity, wealth, well-being, and long life and fulfils the favoured wills of all however as soon as he's indignant, destroys the entirety. Being the master of the Mahabhutas(air, fire, water, earth, and space) makes him 'Maheshwara'. His Shiva linga is established in celibacy. He is worshipped in lots of forms. His mouth is positioned within the ocean by way of which he gets the Jalamaya Havisham accordingly commemorated as 'Badwamukh'. Lord Shiva always stays close to the cemetery of Kashipuri and consequently is worshipped as Vir Sthaneshwar there. Lord Shiva is known as 'Bibhu' and 'Prabhu' for being the supreme god of the entire universe. Brahmins and sages consider him as the senior. Agni appeared from his mouth. Lord Shiva being affectionate towards animals and birds is referred to as Pasupati. As in step with the past, present, and future, he has many forms which is called 'Bahurupi'. Although he has many eyes to observe the complete universe his one eye is depicted in the centre of his forehead from which fire is emerged out of wrath. Being part of the whole makes him 'Sarva'. Having matted locks jata and Dhumravarna skin 'Dhurjati'. Viswadev is prominent in him hence makes him 'Viswaroop'. Lord Shiva accepts and protects the Tri-Ambaka: three Ambaswarup Devis consisting of the sky, ocean, and earth hence referred to as 'Tryambaka'. considering the welfare of the entire universe even as growing their prosperity and fulfilling desires called 'Shiva'. Bearing the origin and consciousness of Souls his Lingarupi body stays immovable and stands firm for that reason making him 'Sthanu'. The sun and moon rays illuminate the sky or Vyom through the hair of Lord Shiva for which he is referred to as 'Vyomkesh'. Vrisha as Dharma and Kapi as greatest together makes him 'Vrishakapi'. He captivates the prosperity from Lord Brahma, Kubera, Yama and Varuna therefore known as 'Hara'. For having the third eye he is recognized as 'Trinetra'.

Arjuna! Besides supreme Lord Shiva, who could destroy those Kaurava armies led by outstanding warriors like Ashwathama, Karna Kripacharya, and many others. no one can confront Lord Shiva within the complete three Lokas. "

Vyasa then provided his prayers, did Stuti of Lord Shiva and informed Arjuna approximately an amazing incident with the Lord.

"A long time before enraged Lord Shiva had once ruined the religious yajna of Daksha(Daksha had insulted Lord Shiva by not inviting him to the yajna. Daksha's daughter Sati went there alone but couldn't undergo the humiliations of her husband by way of her father in front of everybody and jumped into the pyre). Lord Shiva became ruthless, roared furiously, and shot sparkling fire from his Dhanush. With the force of that Dhanush, many scared deities and demons fell on this planet. It trembled the complete earth, flooded all the ocean, crushed all the mountains, and darkened the whole universe. Lord Shiva moreover made the solar lose its radiance. At that point, one son of Aditi named Pusha laughed at Shiva. Enraged at Daksha earlier, Shiva broke Pusha's teeth. All of the deities who were present at the yajna ran away Out of fear. Lord Shiva prepared to use effective weapons towards them. Terrified deities finding no different way took the haven of Lord Shiva there and accomplished a yajna for Rudra dev. Shiva was pleased with that time. From that day all deities used to be frightened of him.

Lord Shiva has once slain three demon sons of Tarakasura called Tripurasura whom no other deities should kill. in the past, three demons named Kamalakshya, Tarakakshya, and Vidyunmali had their three kinds of cities within the sky constructed with gold, silver, and iron respectively as blessed by way of Lord Brahma. In line with the boon of Lord Brahma, these combined forts were referred to as Tripura and if anyone ever destroyed Tripura with a single arrow would then kill these demons. Indra via his weapons also couldn't pierce the places. all the Deities being harmed by way of demons took shelter in Lord Shiva. all of them prayed to Lord Shiva to free them as well as the whole universe from the sufferings due to Tripura Nivasi Daityas. these demons were blessed via Lord Brahma earlier than. Lord Shiva agreed to the deities.

He made Gandhamadhana and Vindhya Mountain the Dhwaja of his chariot, earth together with the sea as his chariot, Sesha naga as the Ghura of the chariot, made sun and moon wheels, four Vedas as four horses. Lord Brahma as charioteer, Mandarachal mount as his Gandiva Dhanush, Vasuki nag as its Pratayancha, Lord Vishnu as a divine arrow, etc. all of the Deities did Stuti of him. The three forts of demons used to get aligned once every thousand years. Then Lord Shiva went toward those forts in his divine chariot and waited there for the completion of a thousand years. After the forts seemed blended there, he shot the divine arrow at the three forts and destroyed all thus killing those demons. no person dared to look at the awesome strength of Lord Shiva and the power of Lord Vishnu in the divine arrow that created Kalagni that burnt the whole of Tripura.

Devi Parvati reached there whilst carrying a Panchashikha boy in her lap to look at the incident and requested all of the deities to recognize the child there. Indra became livid and was about to use his Vajra weapon against that boy. However, he stupefied the hands of Indra before he ought to attack him. Indra with his stunned hands and alongside other deities went near Lord Brahma. Deities asked Lord Brahma about the boy who defeated Indra like this.

Brahma responded, "Deities! The boy was no other than Lord Shiva himself. In keeping with the desire of Devi Parvati, he took the form of a boy. we all should take shelter in Lord Shiva. Even the Prajapatis couldn't apprehend the form of Lord Shiva as a boy. " Then Lord Brahma alongside the deities reached near Lord Shiva and worshipped him by way of doing his Stuti. all of the Deities then pleased Lord Shiva with Parvati. Indra could move his arms like before. "

Vyasa then referred to Arjuna, " Oh Saintly Arjuna! The divine person whom you witnessed slaying enemies in front of you in Kurukshetra was no aside from Lord Shiva. he is leading your way during the war. when you took an oath of killing Jayadratha, that time Lord Krishna had taken you to the peak of Giriraj in your dream to meet you with Lord Shiva only. Lord Shiva blessed you the divine weapons like Pashupatastra to kill your enemy. always offer your prayers to him with all your determination, he'll surely grant your needs. You could by no means be defeated considering the fact that Lord Krishna is with you always." After saying this Vyasa left.

Ref: Mahabharata book

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