Brahma creates Mrityu and she shows no interest in her duty

Goddess of death! Unusual isn't it? We all know about the god of death; Yamraja who rules hell or Naraka but are we all aware of the Goddess who was appointed for death by Lord Brahma? Despite her disinterest in slaying human beings she managed to do the task in a reasonable way. Here in this post, I will elaborate on the reason behind her creation and how was she able to do her task. Such an extraordinary topic was specified by Vyasa to Yudhishthira while he was grieving over Abhimanyu's passing. Vyasa had moreover affirmed him of Abhimanyu reaching heaven after his passing. The beginning of death was at first clarified by Naradji to depressed King Akampana in order to stop lamenting over his son: the Powerful warrior Hari who despite having strength comparative to Deity Indra, was attacked and murdered by numerous of his foes at the same time on the battlefield. Let us first know what is the form of death and why it takes the lives of human beings.

At the beginning of the Universe, there was no system of death and individuals were undying like Deities that made Lord Brahma: the creator stressed about it. After thinking a lot about it, he couldn't find any solution. Out of anger, the rage of fire rose out of his eyes, and ears and subsequently began spreading all over. God of Fire or Agni began engulfing the movable as well as immovable creatures of the Universe. That time Lord Rudra or Sthanu or Lord Shankar met with Brahma who was enlightening with his glorious wrath. Lord Brahma wished to know the cause behind his mind-born child Sthanu coming near him and additionally asked about his desires.

Sthanu being sympathetic towards all the individuals, asked lord Brahma to be pleased with the creatures whom he had created and requested him not to annihilate them with the fire. Lord Brahma answered to him, "I am intentionally not doing this, my incensed fire of anger is created concerning the distress of Prithvi Devi or earth for carrying the gigantic burden of entirety creatures and as a result, She requested me to do the carnage of the creatures." Afterward, Lord's outrage was assuaged by hearing the prayer of Rudra dev and knowing about his helpful intentions toward the people behind it.

Lord Brahma at that point summed up that fire and contained it inside all his senses: Antaratma, from which a lady showed up there. Her complexion was a mix of dark and red, She had a yellowish and reddish tongue, eyes, and face. She was adorned with gold adornments. Lord Brahma there pronounced her 'Mrityu' and asked her to kill all the human beings due to the reality that she was born out of his rage fire that had begun with a rationale of killing individuals. After Hearing such from Lord Brahma, she cried there, her tears were collected by Lord Brahma that time and depressed Mrityu asked Lord Brahma, being a lady how could she take the life of people and do such harmful acts deliberately? She specified to him, "I don't  wish the individuals to consider me as an awful lady consequently I request you to let me practice austerities instead of going to the place of Yamraja; hell for committing such sinful acts."

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Lord Brahma was certain in his decision. He assured her by saying she must perform her duties for which she was born to avoid being condemned within the Lokas. After that Lord Brahma calmed down. Mrityu didn't commit killing every creature, however, left that place, went towards Dhenukashrama, and for the welfare of human beings, she began practicing austerities there. She stood on her one leg and did penance for many years. For ten thousand years she meandered around the deers, then meditated inside the water of the Nanda stream for another eight thousand years, and become ingenious after following the holy rituals there. After that, she practiced thorough penance close to Kaushike and the extraordinary Ganga riverside then went to the Himalayas and meditated near its peak while standing on her toe. She too went to the sacred places of Pushkara, Gokarna, Naimisharanya, and Malayachala and only engrossed her mind in Lord Brahma there.

Satisfied with her devotion, Lord Brahma showed up there and inquired about the cause behind her serious penance. She wished to have a boon from him not to sin by killing the helpless creatures of the earth. After hearing this Lord affirmed to her that, she would never be responsible for any Unrighteous act by killing the people additionally would get help from Lokapal, Yama, and Byadhians. Mrityu at that point concurred with him with one request that only the individuals having guilts and a nature of greediness, outrage, jealousy, envy, betrayal, being Materialistic, shameless, and backbiting would die. Lord granted her.

Moreover, he noted to Mrityu that, "the tears those were earlier collected by way of me will grow to be the diseases (Byadhians) of all the creatures and take their lives, You will  become their ruler and oversee their lives, sinners on the earth will die as per their evil acts, You will remain in your Sanatana Dharma just like before and kill these creatures while remaining emotionally detached from them and barring all your anger and karma that has taken place in your mind." After hearing this from Lord Brahma, Mrityu concurred with Lord Brahma. 

'Consequently, she takes the lives of the creatures being the goddess of death.

"This is what death is. Byadhians are known as the Diseases, which are made to debilitate the health of creatures and after the end of their destined age, they die from these diseases. All his senses along with him go to Paraloka and come back to Manusya Loka. Additionally, all human beings go to Devlok, reap their fruit of karma, and again return to the Manusya Loka. The powerful and fierce soul of a creature enters the body, is omnipresent and great and, a body passes on but the soul is ceaselessly metempsychosis in subsequent bodies. Indeed deities are too affected by the great Martya or Marana dharma. Whole creatures solely get killed by themselves and Mrityu doesn't do that by herself. Killing individuals is predetermined by Lord Brahma only."

Ref: Mahabharata book 

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