Sage Vishvamitra acquires Brahmanatva and Curses Sarasvati river

Lord Balarama went on pilgrimage and reached close to Sarasvati(Saraswati) tirtha, where Sage Arshtishena or Arstisena once did rigorous penance and emerged as the finest scholar and expert in Vedas. Pleased with the location, he granted three boons that, "Whoever dives in Sarasvati tirtha will make his Ashvamedha yajna (horse sacrifice rituals) successful, there won't be any fear of snakes here, and thru a short period, an individual can have remarkable achievement right here." After that, he left his body and went to Svargaloka. During those days Devapi and Sindhudvipa acquired Brahmanatva. Vishvamitra(one of the Saptarishis); son of spectacular Kshatriya king Gaadhi of the Kaushik dynasty additionally reached there, while dealing with his senses practiced austerities and penance and accomplished Brahmanatva. Let us know how it occur And why Vishvamitra once cursed the pure Sarasvati river.

King Gaadhi used to be a notable yogi and Tapasvi. He announced his son Vishvamitra as the king and thought of leaving his body. The people of his country civilly requested him not to leave but stay there and while ruling his kingdom defend all of them from the disasters. Gaadhi replied to them, " You need to no longer fear as My son Vishvamitra will protect the entire universe." Then he left for Svargaloka. Vishvamitra after turning into the king could not manage to save his people on the entire earth.

At some point, he heard that his humans were getting extraordinarily scared of giants. Therefore to slay those giants he took his Chaturangini army and left for that location. On his way, he reached near Sage Vasishtha's (one of the Saptarishis) ashrama. His army started out committing violence and torture there. Vasishtha after coming back to his ashrama found the destruction of the complete wooded area and thus turned out to be livid at King Vishvamitra. He asked his Cow Nandini to create Bhil armies to stop the outrageous activities of Vishvamitra. The Bhil guys then rout out those armies of Vishvamitra from there. Seeing the awesome power of Asceticism, Vishvamitra then determined to practice austerities simplest. He went to the Sarasvati tirtha and pondered wholeheartedly. He lived on air, once in a while ate up the tree leaves, and followed all of the guidelines of an Ascetic correctly. Many deities attempted to distract him but failed. Vishvamitra was glorified with his willpower. Lord Brahma appeared in front of him and wished to offer him a boon. Vishvamitra asked him to grant him to end up a Brahmin. Lord Brahma agreed. This was how he acquired Brahmanatva.

Once Vishvamitra and Vasishtha both strived to compete in the course of their penance thus bearing malice for each other. Both of them were incomparable in their strength of austerities. Vasishtha's ashrama was located on the east facet of Sthanu Tirtha close to the Sarasvati River. (Lord Sthanu did rigorous penance and mounted this tirtha as in step with his name. Here Skanda was also Inaugurated as commander in chief of Indra after Devasura Sangram.) Seeing the amazing radiance of Vasishtha, Vishvamitra became worried. Sage Vishvamitra who used to remain in righteousness, thought of asking the Sarasvati river to sweep Vasishtha from his ashrama and then bring near him so that it would be easy for Vishvamitra to kill him. His eyes turned out to be reddish out of rage. He remembered Sarasvati there. Seeing enraged Vishvamitra, Sarasvati became overwhelmed at that moment. She turned out to be faded and at the same time as shivering together with her folding hands, she asked the purpose behind calling her there.

Vishvamitra asked her, "Bring Vasishtha close to me so that I can kill him."

After listening to this Sarasvati became tensed. She was extremely scared. Vishvamitra informed her to bring him sage Vasishtha without having any second thoughts. Sarasvati then went to Vasishtha and elaborated the statements of Vishvamitra to him. She was terrified of both the excellent Ascetics' curses and at the same time, she feared neglecting Vishvamitra. Vasishtha observed susceptible and disturbed Sarasvati and advised her, "The greatest river Sarasvati! you take me close to Vishvamitra right now and save yourself otherwise Vishvamitra will surely curse you."

Sarasvati was in confusion to do the right thing. Vasishtha had shown mercy to her earlier consequently she too wished for his welfare. Seeing Vishvamitra doing Homa and Japa, Sarasvati flooded the east facet and swept Vasishtha from there. At that moment, Vasishtha began doing Stuti of Sarasvati. Sarasvati with complete force reached near Vishvamitra and announced, "Vasishtha is right here!". Seeing Vasishtha in front of him, indignant Vishvamitra searched for his weapons. At that very moment, Sarasvati fearing for the guilt of Brahma Hatya, again washed away Vasishtha in the direction of the east facet.

Furiously Vishvamitra cursed Sarasvati that, "Sarasvati! You betrayed and left me. Therefore you will be full of blood instead of water to be able to be drunk by way of demons only. " All of the sages, Gandharvas, and Apsaras became extraordinarily sad to look at Sarasvati in such a situation. Consequently, that tirtha was named Vasishthapavaha. From that time she only flowed in her east route. Many demons were thrilled to drink the blood from the Sarasvati River.

Few sages reached that tirtha and discovered the pathetic state of Sarasvati wherein demons had been consuming blood out of her. They came to know about the curse of Sage Vishvamitra from depressed Sarasvati and assured her of finding a solution to it. All of them did strict penance and pleased Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva granted their wish and Sarasvati became pure and clean like earlier then.

The demons who used to drink blood from the river then out of starvation went near the sages and with folded hands requested him, "Terrific sages! We are fools. We've lost our Sanatana Dharma. Thinking about the fact that we don't get any blessings from sages such as you, we commit sins. By exceeding our sins, we have now turned out to be Brahmarakshasa and all our wives have become Demoness for their fornications. Likewise, any Kshatriyas, Shudras, and Vaishyas are also known as demons for retaining hatred feelings towards Brahmins. All human beings who humiliate their Guru, Ritwijs, acharyas, and seniors are also regarded as Demons. Consequently, we request you to provide us salvation."

Those sages then told to Sarasvati that, "Demons will own the spitted foods, any leftover ingredients, meals full of insects and hair, acquired with embarrassment, impure food items received with crying or shouts or touched by dogs. Wise people will always avoid such kind of food. If they consume it then they will be no less than a demon." Then the sages purified the tirtha and asked Sarasvati to give salvation to those demons. Sarasvati then brought river Aruna who used to relieve anyone from Brahma Hatya. Those demons took a bath in that river, left their body and went to Svargaloka.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about a hundred dead sons of Sage Vasishtha.. 

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