Lord Shiva cuts off his divine Linga and starts destruction of the deities

Without the knowledge of Pandavas, Ashwatthama killed the Upapandavas or the sons of Pandavas and Draupadi called Prativindhya, Sutasoma, Shrutakarma, Shatanika and Shrutasena, Dhrishtadyumna; son of Drona, and the remnants of Panchala Kingdom including Sikhandi and others in the night only. Grieving Draupadi sat on fast til demise until Pandavas bring her the priceless gem of Ashwatthama. Pandavas met with Ashwatthama close to Bhagirathi riverside, they spared his life for the useful gem that he had had on his forehead and later gave it to Draupadi. After Draupadi give up her fasting, Yudhishthira while mourning for his dead sons asked Lord Krishna that, " Sinner and Evil Ashwatthama have in no way accomplished a good deal auspicious acts then how come he acquired the divine power to kill my superb warrior sons? It's far rather stunning that he even slew Dhrishtadyumna who was a skilled warrior. How could Ashwatthama alone kill all our armies? "

Lord Krishna responded to him that, 'in reality Ashwatthama took refuge of Lord Shiva and consequently, he totally killed many warriors. Lord Shiva who resides on Kailash mountain, even blesses immortality to anybody after being pleased with him. Additionally out of his grace that individual with his power may even damage the deity king Indra. I am aware of Lord Shiva's glory and his many forms.

Lord Brahma first regarded Mahadeva with the purpose of creating living persons on the earth. He asked Lord Shiva to create them without any delay. After observing many flaws in creating them, Mahadeva entered within the ocean and did rigorous penance there for a long period. Then Lord Brahma created another creator of human beings from his mind and asked him to perform the task. Creator after seeing Lord Shiva meditating underneath the great ocean asked Lord Brahma that, " If no person is senior to me, then I will begin with making creatures in the world." Lord Brahma responded to him that, "Nobody is elder than you. He's Sthanu(Lord Shiva) who's slumbering under the water. Consequently, you veritably start off along with your work. "

The creator created seven types of Human beings, Daksha's and Prajapatis who later made four divisions of human beings. After the creation, all of the human beings out of starvation rushed towards Prajapati to consume him. Prajapati took refuge of Lord Brahma and requested him to define any occupation for the living beings. Lord then made herbs and plants for his people and ensured the susceptible creatures to be the meals of all the wild animals. After that, all the human beings returned back and stayed peacefully in their yonis. Their number also expanded. Lord Brahma was pleased to see this.

Lord Shiva then got out of the sea and discovered those creatures. Many creatures with unique forms and proper shapes had been already built. After seeing that, he became enraged, therefore he cut off his Linga and threw it away. His divine Linga was established in that form only. Lord Brahma attempted to pacify him by using announcing that, " Rudra Deva! at the same time as staying beneath the ocean water, what work you have executed? And for what cause you have generated the Linga and positioned it on the earth? " Then infuriated Lord Shiva responded to him that, "some other creator already made living beings then why I'm able to hold this Linga with me? I've observed vegetation and useful herbs for all of the creatures even as being underwater." After pronouncing this Lord Shiva went to the peak of a mountain to do penance.

After Satya Yuga finished, all of the deities as a way to pray Lord, invented Yajna (sacrifice, devotion, an offering oblation or libation into sacred fire) and it's  Sadhanas, Havishas, Yajnopayogi (required materials for yajna) and the offerings to be carried out as components for the deities as in line with the Vedas. Loka yajna, Kriya yajna, Sanatan Griha Yajna, Panchabhuta yajna, and Manushya yajna are the five parts of Yajnas. At that time all of the deities didn't realize the real form of Sthanu consequently they unnoticed his part all through the yajna. Lord Shiva with a goal to kill those deities, created a divine Dhanush first. Lord Shiva made Dhanush that was five hands long, out of Loka Yajna and Manushya Yajnas. Vashatkara (The Paramatma who is invoked in all the yajnas and prayers) grew to become out to be the Pratyancha of his Dhanush and the four components of yajna referred to as Snana, Dana, Homa, and Japa became his shield.

Enraged Lord Shiva then reached the place wherein all of the deities had been performing yajna. Seeing Lord Shiva holding Dhanush in his hand, all of them along Prithvi devi and mountain started out trembling out of fear. Wind stopped blowing, the fire could not get started through the Sameedhas and ghee and all the Nakshatras began shifting from their place anxiously. Deities couldn't recognize yajna and different things certainly there. They were extremely scared. Lord Shiva shot a dreadful arrow at the centre of Yajna there. That time yajna straight away transformed into a deer and along with fire or Agni ran far away from there.

It reached the sky and illuminated there with the name Mrigashira Nakshatra hence. Lord Shiva used to chase him as Adra Nakshatra in there. After losing Yajna before him, all the deities lost their mind. Lord Shiva out of rage cut off the two hands of Savita (The radiator deity of vitality: the role of Savita is performed by some other celestial body in the heaven and cosmos, but on the earth it is done by Sun) , blinded Bhaga (one of the twelve Adityas born to Sage Kashyapa and Aditi and the deity of wealth, money and due inheritance), and broke the tooth of Pusha (one of the Adityas born to Sage Kashyapa and Aditi and the deity of meeting and a soul guide) , along with his Dhanushkoti( bow quit). The complete parts of yajna even as being unconscious began running far from there however Lord Shiva ridiculed them while stopping them with the bow end. Then Vani got here out of the deities cut off the Pratyancha of Mahadeva and therefore, his Dhanush fell down. All of the Deities took the safe haven of Lord Shiva there. Lord Shiva showed mercy on them and established his anger within the ocean. His rage of anger inside the shape of Vadvanal or Vadwanal used to soak up the water usually. Pleased Lord Shiva then blessed eyes to Bhaga, hands to Savita, teeth to Pusha and Yajna to the deities. The complete world remained calm like earlier. In the Yajna, the Havisha component for Mahadeva also determined.'

After saying about the glory of Lord Shiva, Lord Krishna confirmed Yudhishthira that Ashwatthama had slain  many warriors at a time by the grace of Lord Shiva simplest, not thru his personal strength.

Ref: Mahabharata book

Read about the strange person whom Arjuna noticed during the Mahabharata war 

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